it s been a while i wrote this comment, and after a second, a third and a fourth reading about this book, i decided to update, cause in the end i was too much disapointed
When i took a first look to the book, i was surprised how DND look like Tri Stat Dx in first cause you have 5 dies level from D4 to D20 almost like Tri Stat. Second things, many advantage, skills and other stuff you could find them in OVA or BESM. I guess that DND writers was inspired by this two book or just a kinda lazy.
So DND are just a copycat ? Not really, cause the whole book are centering on combat, and you could asume many forms just like Songoku in DBZ, each forms increase your power and you could go until godlike power form, and is it really useful ?
About fight, if you re looking for versatile combat rules, you ll find only barehands and melee combat, yeah, you have also three firearms and no rule to create big guns.
I also read how to run an "anime" dnd campaign, and i only find you could run Naruto - Hokuto No Ken - DBZ campaign. In fact only brawling capaigns.
No DND isn't an ANIME RPG, just an RPG only about shonen manga and fighting.
so if you re looking for a versatile anime rpg : play besm, if you re looking for a simple and funny anime rpg : play OVA. If you re only (and only) looking for non-stop action, bare hands fighting anime rpg and destroy a whole planet with your ultimate attack in your ultimate form : yeah DND could be a good choice, but be warned, they re is too much lack of rules about many stuffs and you ll find easily the limits of this core rules.
<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: the transformation rules, and sorry it just the good point of this book.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: such awful illistrations
once again a ''cat girl'' in anime rpg book
just actions and fightings setting
no real rules about driving, mecha and magic (just brawling i m telling you)<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Disappointing<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br><BR>[THIS REVIEW WAS EDITED]<BR>