A gorgeously written, beautifully creative rpg, with lots of fun, surprises, and intrigue packed in. Definitely easy to use. A well crafted tribute to the original story, while still standing on iuts own and ousting the problematic depictions that exists in that origin.
And again, it is fun!
Creator Reply: |
This review is so meaningful, and I'm really so glad that you enjoyed it! The fact that you took the time to write this means a lot to me. Thank you so much. |
Beautifully designed, well written, this book brings flavor that was missing to cats and cat-beings of all kinds to play with the fifth edition of D&D.
Its wonderfully replete with nuance, gives good descriptors, and manages to deliver an amazing amount ot content for a very low price.
A sweet tool that is helpful, simple to use, and nice to look at!
A solid addition to cleric. domains. Reads as fun. looking forward to trying it out.
Reading this take on the class of artificer was a genuine pleasure . I found the details compelling and the. class balanced and interesting I look forward to play testing this class
An intriguing and clearly explained system, this is a very cool addition to D&D. A trial run of explaionging it to two people and then using it in a combat led to good results and enthusiasm. I look forward to using it more. Definitely worth a look for anyone looking for variations on combat~!
This is a really awesome product, with a bunch of creative items to use as trinkets. I definitely plan on using some of them.
I felt this was a really strong starter creation for a creator. The main monster is really cool and has a little flavor to it, plus a little more added in. Very satisfied with this. My only advice would be to add some content as far as lore, as far as what the creator thinks this would be good for, that sort of thing, and, additionally, a cover and credits page to bookend it. Just my opinion! Great start!
An excellent fun adventure, easily modable and kind of cool! Definitely not a serious D&D thing, but very awesome to play! Lighthearted and full of whimsy.
I like it. It's simple, not overpowerred, and adds utility to Clerics to help those in need, but without going too far in doing so. Using the HD makes it balanced so that it is more restrictive than a 1st level spell is. Nicely done. I look forward to trying it out in a game to see how it feels in play.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks so much! If you do use it, let me know how it plays! |
This module is a very nice one, with creativity, and a lot of work going into creating an adventure that both has enough detail to entertain and also leaves space for Dungeon Masters to expand, reflavor, and alter it in order to make it their own. The premise is a classic one, with twists that make it entertaining, curious, and something to enjoy. The lore is intriguing, leading to ideas which could easily support sequels and spin offs, either by the authors or buy the DMs who run it.
Various NPCs, including Lolth, make for roleplay interactions allowing this to be a nearly combat-free adventure, heavy in roleplay, or one with the potential for lots of battle. Including against the Spider-Queen herself!
Either way, assuming the party survives, it leaves plenty of possible future ideas for more interactions.
My one negative thought was that Lolth was a touch too weak for a goddess, but I place little weight to this downside, as how do you stat a god? And of course, DMs can increase the difficulty of the encounters with ease.
I am definitely looking forward to playing this sometime, both as a player and as a DM.button above
A well built set of subraces with good balance. It feels very easy to make and use as a character. I haven't played a lot yet, but am planning to do more so. So far, the play is smooth and the race feels no more or less powerful than other races. The flavor of it is very nicely done and it makes me grin when I play it.
A fun adventure with catapults, goblins, derring, and doing, and much hilarity to be had. A strong sophomore adventure delivered by the powerful writers, and I look forward to playing this, and seeing what else they will create.
An excellent roleplaying adventure, this little module demonstrates the skill in writing and creativity that can be brought to bear in this field. I can already see how to fit it into future roleplay with my parties, and possibly in more than one game.
A good module if you are looking for an alternatrive to the standard combat heavy adventures.
An excellent product, definitely fun and interesting. I look forward to exploring this world more!