Absolutely fantastic and quite useful.
If you want to torture and torment your players into trying to avoid combat or undue violence this is your best bet.
In my campaign I have personally used it with some fiat on my part for whenever players roll a major wound. What this supplement is good at is creating longer-term consequences or penalties for fighting and getting hurt in combat, as well as emotional damage for undue acts of violence, letting you mechanically punish players who decide they want to kill the kind old man just because it would be funny.
If you want players in your group to be able to lose hands, limbs, break bones, ribs, lose eyes, get scars, this is the supplement for you and your keeper.
The only small niggle I have with it is that the locational damage chart/die roll in the game book doesn't correspond to the one in current 7e which seems like a wasted opportunity to make things easier on Keepers. You can easily just use the tables for each respective body part however and ignore that entirely.