Fun to run Adventure. The Layout is very nice. The feeling as well.
Problem on very few Information in The Labyrinth what happens if the Wolf kills the Badgers. Feels very deadly without the Chars can do anything about it.
This module is a fun Combat heavy module but again there are big Problems for very weak parties.
The end can be really frustrating for some players. Again the dmg output of the Dragon is too high for very weak groups after all the Battle before.
The Map of Area4 in Part 1 have some logical Problems with the hidden way and big fire in a closed chamber as well as a Hook why the Fomorian should not just attack intruders right away.
Starting really nice, the end is somehow strange.
In Part 3 there could be at least a bit more of a clue what the Charakters should do in 2 of the Chambers.
Part4: How does the enemies get throught the defense of Bronwyn Rookoaths possibilities. How can they even sneak up?
Also the Chars don't even get real hint why they now need to find the Information they get in the End
The Adventure is fun if you like just challanging fights but:
- Could be much more lore in here. In the tunnels there are so great opportunities for it. The Dm gets it but the players have no way to discover the Lore.
- The balancing is extremely deadly for weak (6 lvl 5 Chars). Had to adjust much more to not get TPKs in all 3 runs i had. Also here it would be great to lower damage amopunt instead just number of enemies. Third encounter enemies just doesn't make any sense here if you look at the Lore of that Creatures.
The module is very nice to show the Danger but its nearly unable to be run in 4h.
The balance here is to extreme deadly, depending what way the Players choose.
Especially Bonus 2 is very hard for a T1 Module.
Very well done Module where there are some good Background Information what is going on.
Fun Bonus objectives, great balanced.
Awesome Hook for the next part.
Finally the Dm gets information he would need in one of the lower parts as well.
Saving the Creatures is really nice and to get the feeling of the danger due to the limited time.
But now the Druid is a normal Druid (needed for balance) who was Archdruid previous (Moon 4) which is unlogical.
Fun to run. The start is also really great.
I also need to say that the Dungeon in part 3 doesn't really work that way. First its just a bring X to let us join is quite booring. The economy down there is somewhat strange. Also that one Clan just run away without informing their lookouts or others is quite unlogical.
The end is fine again.
Very deadly module. Hard to balance on weaker party (maybe reduce damage insead just play around with numbers)
If you look in later MOON Adventures here are first logical problems: The Druid here is an archdruid and later in MOON 10 (which plays after this module) he is just a normal druid.
But its very fun to run and play with shadows.
Nice 4 h module adventure with unexpected final enemy. The Charactersa can really feel like heroes here and don't even know what the Triology is about yet.
But nothing really special here.
Very awesome module. Nice RP possibilities, great Puzzle, awesome non standard encounters. The players should have played MOON2-1 and MOON2-2 before or the won't get whats really going on here.
But had to reduce one star because here finally should be the Information about the Disease which is included in a later MOON Series.
One of my favourite modules so far. It's a awesome atmospheric Horror Detective Module. DOn't be too hard with the Chars at the End Encounter otherwhise they have no chance.
Very great and atmospheric adventure. The 4 hours are full of action and still gives the DM and Players good RP possibilities.
The 4 mini adventures are very great to get in MOOD for the Rising Shadows Campaign.
Why I can give just 4 stars though is:
- It would be great to include some more Background Information here: About the Culture of Ffolk and Gark's Goblins which both are in included in later adventures.
Be aware: The Adventures can be very deadly for lvl 1 Chars.