This adventure introduces some new absolutely wonderful characters that will show up again and again later in the series. It's also a very satsifying conclusion to this particular trilogy for all the adventure pillars. Definitely recommend this entire trilogy!
As many of the other reviewers have said, this is a really fun mystery adventure as you try to solve what's going on in the town. It can be somewhat dangerous for less experienced players, however, so DMs may need to adjust things based on the players' level of experience. But for those ready to engage with it, this is a super atmospheric & fun adventure.
This is a really fun starts to the trilogy, and potentially an onboarding to the Moonshaes for many players. There are plenty of chances for RP both in terms of hooks the adventure as the start and as part of exploring things in the middle. Plenty of satisfying combats as well!
I really enjoyed getting to see more of the backstory of the events in the past and participating in resolving them in the present. This was a pretty emotional conclusion to the trilogy, and much of the Rising Shadows series, for our group.
I like that this module tried something new with one of its encounters, but it really didn't work for me and was quite frustrating at times. That might be on our group for not figuring out better ways to navigate it, but it felt similar to playing Minesweeper where there are too many situations where success & failure are just a coin toss. Besides that, however, much of the rest of the adventure is interesting as everything finally comes to a head.
This adventure is a bit of a slow burn as it builds up this final trilogy. After the 18 trilogy that did a great job of balancing continued world building, old & new character developements/arcs, and plot advancement, this is a bit of a step back with it feeling like more of a standalone side-adventure. This is still a fun and engaging adventure in its own right, but it just feels too disconnected for an adventure this late in the Moonshae series. It moves things forward at the end, but it's not quite enough and a bit late.
If you've been playing the Moonshae series for a while and know many of the characters throughout the series, this is a really satisfying adventure that brings together a number of threads that were created over the series and let's you decide how to wrap them up. To that end, this adventure does have a lot more roleplaying than other ones (very similar to CCC-BMG-MOON 11-3 A Darkened Heart), which could be more challenging if players/characters haven't played prior Moonshae series. The final combat was a fun challenge and way to end things.
It's nice having these previous events consolidated into a bundle, but it's unfortunate that the player information isn't available separately as a free package. Also no maps for Fuzzytail is a bit disappointing (but if the initial release didn't contain them, it's not surprising this collection still doesn't).
I'd enjoyed the stakes of the Moonshaes being ramped up here and getting to interact with some of the major players; it makes you feel like a Big Dang Hero within the Moonshae stories! There are also multiple ways to tackle the objects, with freedom for creative solutions. Plus some fun combats!
As a wrap-up to season 10, this was a very disappointing epic. As a standalone epic series of combat encounters, this was a lot of fun. Even for the latter, however, there are many much better epics out there; this epic is just a linear, very long series of fights. While I ultimately was able to enjoy it for the strategic combat, I completley agree with the many people I've heard complaining about this module being a slog and a poor wrap-up for the season.
The combat in this epic can be brutal, especially for new players and particularly the final one. The first time I played this they did have the extra boons in that final combat, and it became a fight to wait out the clock to avoid a TPK; we'd given up on winning. With the boons and a more cohesive party the second time around, it was still quite challenging but far more doable. I would not recommend this epic for inexperienced players. That said, I did really enjoy it the second time around.
I played this with a party of all level 10s, and it was genuinely pretty challenging getting through everything. There is a escape/chase sequence that is pretty wonky, as most are. This is a more enjoyable module if you know where the T3 Terminal Ambitions modules are going, because this is even more interesting set up for those.
My largest complaint is that this doesn't resolve the Thunlakalaga storyline at all. I guess they reserved that for the Song of Spears epic, but epics are terrible ways to wrap up major storylines because the chaos of the epic makes following significant story developments challenging, and there's generally little agency in what directions players can take things (and Song of Spears is especially bad for that). Further, not everyone is going to get the chance to play the epic because those generally require many more players & organizers to set up. I would really have preferred more wrap up during this adventure, or for there to be more modules after this one.
This is a long series of fetch quests, and ones that feel very similar to what just happened in 10-08. Overall it was not a very interesting adventure, but some of the exploration bits were interesting and I did enjoy the final combat.
This is a pretty big turn for the season, and is the first time you get a major lore dump that will be important all the way through this season into the subsequent Terminal Ambitions DRW series. It dials up the challenge of the combats as well.
This adventure loses some of the momentum of the previous arc because they're setting up something new; and if you're not familiar with where things are heading, the new direction from survival horror/mystery to more of a cosmic scale can be jaring. It doesn't help that there's a large chunk in the middle of the module that is a pretty boring WoW-style fetch quest. There are still some enjoyable moments, however.