This is a great idea and we absolutely love it.
As a one shot with some premade sheets this is a fun introduction to Changeling.
As a "oh I don't know what you're doing" slam together in an already established chronicle? It'd take a little doing but it could probably fit in any story.
We personally think this might fit a little better with the more obvious whimsy coat of paint in Changeling the Dreaming but is written in such a fashion it could fit in either game perfectly.
We hope there are more short story arcs like this soon, as the idea of more light hearted but still on brand pallet cleanser stories are a market that definitely needs the love.
This has become one of our go to "teaching" plot hooks to use for younger audiences.
27 Pages of Underwater goodness for Changeling the Lost that feels like the author looked at the Changeling chapter for World of Darkness Blood Dimmed Tides and went "Why doesn't this exist in Chroniclest of Darkness?".
A fairly standard two column format with bolding in all the right places to draw attention and key a quick reader in. There is no white space that feels wasted or to pad out page count. The pieces of art add ambiance and serve to get the reader into the mood.
A few kiths that looks like they'd be good fun on paper, but they didn't stand out to us personally. What did stand out, however, were the three Arcadian Lords and they were worth the read for us. While not in depth per say, they have plenty of fun threads that can be the scopes of whole chronicles as is, or just red-herrings to keep the universe a little unknown.
The Contracts are written both for standard rules and for the Lost At Sea book always a nicety to see writing for rules both with a system in mind and to allow users to toolbox out the book with no muss or fuss.
This volume presents an option for playing the True Black Hand and some Bloodlines associated with that sect.
The first chapter of the sourcebook is a brief summary of the history of the sect and the changes brought to it due to Fifth Edition metaplot, if you want a more in depth history of the Sect, we recommend the book The Black Hand A Guide to the Tal’Mahe’Ra for V20.
The second chapter details the Bloodlines (some new, some old favorites), presented as a series of Loresheets with the standard of a brief description, abilities obtained by purchasing dots on the loresheet, disciplines and finally Bane and Clan Compulsion. All the bloodlines are interesting and well written, even if some feel a little out of place in the Sect or present other problems due to the challenge inherent in adapting them to Fifth Edition.
Finally chapter three gives us new discipline powers and amalgams common within the bloodlines from the previous chapter, even if some of the amalgams feel a little weird due to the nature of the disciplines /abilities that are being converted to the mechanics of V5.
Overall this product is solid and useful. Check it out.
Summoner updates the summoner class to 5E D&D. The author's take on the class seems to take some inspiration from Magic the Gathering (with the varies colors of Mana he talks about and some of the ability names such as Trample and Hexproof) and Final Fantasy (with the Materia he includes). Overall, we did find the class very interesting and fun to play. Its very different than some of the early editions versions of Summoners but seems to mesh very well with 5E.
We recommend this product.
((We have two review posted below from two different play groups))
The First Team presented here is an homage to several horror-explotitation cliches molded into an effective squad against Gaian Forces courtesy of Slaugtherhose Video. The book presents several options to incorporate this First Team in an ongoing Chronicle in the form of official Pentex documents and transmissions.The section detailing the members of the Team gives us their stats alongside the way they were built (with book references for templates and powers) alongside descriptions on new powers and arguments for altering existing ones.
This First Team exploits the cliches of the classic American Nuclear Family in the name of the Wyrm, the members beign an assorted variety of horrors specialized in “investigating, neutralizing and adquiring asorted supernatural entities that catch PENTEX attentions while undercover as the Ideal Family. We love that the ideas for using them in a Chronicle are provided in the form of a corporate memo. The members of the First Team are created with the process explained alongside book and page references, alongside ideas to alter them. An interesting Team that can be used and adapted to suit the needs of several Chronicles.
This book is a toolkit that updates the systems presented in Skinchangers to the Chronicles of Darkness ruleset, and it does that very well. Since the focus is on the rules this book is better used in conjuntion with the previously mentioned Skichangers book so you can get access to the missing narrative elements, but creative Storytellers can still get much use of the game mechanics presented here.
The book gives us options for using these archetypes either as antagonist or as player characters giving clear rules, dread powers and merits for both options. The book is well written and has only a few minor typos with the most noticeable being a minor format error in the statblock for the Phrynosapien: the text for the Mental attributes is in black but should be blue like the rest of the stablock.
This sourcebook for V5 can be used either as a single story, as a jumpstart for a Chronicle os as story in an ongoing one. It includes a basic overview of Manchester after the events of The Fall of London but it can be moved to a different place with some work, it includes short writeups of the varied Kindred factions with most of the details are left for the Storyteller to fill in. It also includes a pregen coterie that can be used as PCs or SPCs as needed.
A good Jumpstart for those interested in exploring the growing paranoia generated by the actions of the SI, the convoluted nature of Kindred society and the general tone and themes of the WoD.
Psionic updated psionics to bring them into 5E D&D. The book gives us a very interesting take on psionics which we found to be fun and interesting. We particually liked the concept of Revelations, aka the event that opened your characters mind granting the power of psioncis to your character... .we especially liked the embryo revelation..
Overall this was a pretty good look at psionics, updated to 5E.
This book offers an alternative system for the Influence Background in the form of Loresheets that represent Influence over separate aspects of mortal society, and that can be used a limited number of times during a Story depending on the level of Influence used, since this represents the time it takes to move a considerable amount of Influence for a specific purpose. We really like the idea that the the Loresheets can be helped/countered by others and that this can expand the political and social aspect of a Chronicle.
This sourcebook for V5 provides write ups for the Paths of Enlightenment that fell out of favor in the Sabbat as per the metaplot advancements in the Sect presented in The Black Hand. The followers of this paths are intended as antagonist and the write follows the format of the Sabbat book: Name of the Path, nicknames for the Followers, brief description of the path, ethics of the path, use in Chronicles and Disciplines Favored by practitioners.
A great sourcebook that brings back options for storytellers interested in preserving these paths in their Chronicles.
Sea Monster is a great addition to the Classic Monster line of books by CreatorWorks. This book of all things seems to take some inspiration from Pixar's Luca. The author introduced some great mechanics for playing monsters simialar to the Creature from the Black Lagoon in your 5E D&D game. We had the most fun with this supplement and we strongly recommend this product.
This supplement for CreatorWork's Classic Monsters brings Faires as a class to 5E D&D. Much like the core book this takes inspiration from the WoD's Changeling game, but uses more classic D&D races such as Elf, Hag, and Goblin as Faerie types.
This book is a nice addition to the classes presented in the Creator Works Classic Monsters. The Tabletop Gaming Club recommends this product.
Ckassic Monster RPG is a 5th edition D&D look at the some of the classic universal monsters. That being said it is influenced heavily and we mean heavily by the World of Darkness game lines. The book presents us with Vampire the Blood Drinker, Werewolf the Shapechanger, Ghost the Memory, Golem the Alchemical, and Mortal the Prey. The correlation to Vampire the Masquerade, Werewolf the Apocalypse, Wraith the Oblivion, and Promethean the Created is pretty apparent. That being said the author, does an amazing job translating these concepts to 5E D&D.
If any 5E D&D players ever want to play a vampire or other classic monster then this is the book for you. The Tabletop Gaming club reccommends this book.
This supplement for V5 deals with Havens and the importance they play in a Kindred existence. Chapter One deals with what constitutes a good haven, first with a series of merits and flaws that expand upon the merit Haven from the V5 corebook, and secondly with a series of questions that serve the purpose of defining each characters haven and several tips to consider when building one and the purpose a character has for creating one.
Chapter Two gives us a discussioon about the locations that can be used as Havens with new merits and flaws that fit each one, we aslo get a five examples of havens that showcase the rules presented previously (and that can be adapted to a chronicle without much trouble).
Chapter Three deals with Elysiums, the changes to the concept of Domain brought by the ever expanding Digital Era, Domain Etiquette and methods of attacking and defending a Haven. It also gives us three societies that deal with the building, acquisition and protection of Havens,an interesting NPC and three Loresheets-
In general the book is a great source for ideas and rules to help players and storytellers alike build havens full of personality and chronicle potential beyond the basic purpose of protection from daylight. The biggest problem present in the book is the translation from the text from an original source in portuguese. With some problems with pronouns in the text, to weird gramar, mistranslations of game terms and words that are in portugese instead of english (in the most extreme case a few questions from the questionnaire in chapter one, 21 to 24).
One of the fun April Fool's Day Products that came out this year, but genuinely can be used in the World of Darkness Universe if you play it straight.
The basic sales pitch of this book is it's written for the in universe White Wolf Stand in (Black Dog) for their Werewolf the Apocalypse (Lycanthrope The Rapture), both made by Pentex. This in and of itself is pretty great in our opinion as it shows the ST how to describe Delerium of mortals forgetting things via discounting it as just their mind playing tricks or a dream on some tabletop rpg game.
Clocking in at 13 pages in total we get a couple stories to help articulate the tone of this Fera. They come with the usual 5 forms Homid ; Auribus (Near Man) ; Leporine (War-Form) ; Nuralagus Rex (Great Beast) ; Lepus (Animal).
There is made mention of what happens if you try to make Abominations out of them (you can't thanks to Helios) and an indication their blood is akin to drinking pure sunshine (no rules text on this sadly), but for Changeling fans they are a source of glamour if eaten (Yay Redcaps!)
We get a couple gifts for ranks 1-6, which is nice. A couple are reprints or "as the X gift", thus assuming you have access to the core rulebook for Werewolf The Apocalypse 20th, but there are a couple of brand new ones in here too that are absolutely great. The Rank 5 and 6 gifts are truly inspired and can be the scope of entire chronicles.
While the premise of the Were-Rabbit is a little silly to me, existing to be eaten, I personally will be using this book actually to help flesh out the ritualistic hunting of spirits and some of the rewards you can get for capturing a spirit that is part of Garou and Fera Culture.