I ran this adventure this past weekend, and I thought I would share my thoughts along with my players:
--With limited role-play, we were able to complete the adventure with no bonus objectives in three hours.
--It is an easy dungeon crawl to manage; I appreaciate the maps are laid out in the adventure. Keeps the page-flipping to the minimum.
--I wish there was a map of the area where the adventure took place with specific locations placed.
--There is mention of a crag cat that fled the ruins, so if there is a need for another encounter, there it is!
--I didn't use the Bonus Objectives, but they looked well prepared.
Overall my players enjoyed this adventure. As a DM, it is quick to pick up and was DM-freindly. I recommend picking htis up as a quick-dungeon crawl that can be revisited it becomes too challenging to your players!
I had the opportunity to run this adventure yesterday, and I wanted to share some highlights from our collective experiences with you:
- My players enjoyed the Faction Representatives Adventure Hook the most and In-keepers Call the least. The later adventure hook presumes you are already at the site of the Call to Action and may have DMs having to work out what the characters already know about the area.
- I appreciate the side bar on The Hunt Lords, Noanar’s Hold and Thieves and Strange Sightings. As a DM, consider incorporating the information they provide into the party dialogue with Avgar Filroy. If you are pressed for time, watch what you divulge-information here can lead players off the beaten path (i.e. hunting The Hunt Lords, time-consuming exploration beyond adventure flow).
- I had to look up the word, mycelium- I like word sleuths. Thanks for that. I shared its definition with my players, it is mentioned numerous times in the narratives. Shared learning=winning.
- I used 3-of-4 events in Araumycos. The violet fungus and stirges were quite the challenge. I had the Phantom Ticking a persistent presence throughout. It grew louder as the party closed in on the fey crossing into The Caverns of EverTicking.
- This adventure has a pool of encounters to place within each part. Multi-playability Easy.
- In an effort to make up time, I had Baggie the Boggle show up after the party crossed into The Caverns of EverTicking; I moved the zurkhwood mushroom encounter from the end of Part One to beginning of Part Two. DMs may want to consider using Baggie to help the characters through any of these encounters; just in case they go south. I moved any dialogue with Baggie from Part One to Part Two as well. It seemed like it should all be with the rest of the caves narratives in Part 2.
- I think the best part of the adventure is Part Three, where you enter the lair of the masterpiece work creature. I like that there were multiple elements with the tunnels here. You may want to tone back the Stalactites Pits. The way it is written, it can be interpreted as meaning every part of the floor in these areas is a potentially pit. I had players crawling out of pits only to fail the save again and fall into another pit. This can turn into a costly time sink, not to mention a deadly one. If I could do this area over again, I would place two-three pits in the 15x15ft area (mark the areas on my map) and provide some type of Perception check to notice. The environment presented was good.
- While I enjoyed the creature composition, my players commented encounters were plain up until Baggie the Boggle and Part Three. I even labeled one encounter INSTIRGENCY! I love stirges!
- You hear about the Archfey of this domain, The Lord of Stopped Clocks but don’t actually encounter it. Even so, I think this adventure could have benefitted from a dedicated section description of the domain of The Caverns of EverTicking and also The Lord of Stopped Clocks.
Overall, the adventure is fun. There is a lot of potential to stretch this adventure through the encounters and extra information provided, but in that lies the possibility of easily going over duration. If you are pressed for time, have a plan in mind for what you will present encounter-wise beforehand. This adventure provides enough elements to make it enjoyable. It’s built for customizable experience. Pick it up. I look forward to future Dungeoncraft efforts by this designer! I want to know more about The Lord of Stopped Clocks!
I just finished running this adventure! It has been a pleasure presenting these Dungeoncraft Spotlight adventures for my players. I wanted to present our collective feedback of our experience:
- The premise for the adventure was great! I cannot throw a stick into my player base without hitting someone that does not have a familiar. Instant adventure hook! The players were grateful to see that! Relevant hook for many.
- They also enjoyed a faction-oriented hook; something I haven't seen DC/CCC materials in awhile.
- I appreciated a culture-oriented sleuth and puzzle. Very creative!
- The archfey of this Domain of Delight was also creative and the means to communicate with it was unique. It was something that drew me to this particualr adventure as a DM.
The Goats! Some of my players remembered them! I even have Mince's cert! It was great to have a not so far back blast from the past! Giving a nod to past designs is something I'm always thrilled to see.
The adventure has quite a bit of material in it that may press against more time-constrained events, but the designer provides sidebars to help mitigate that. Even so, I found myself presenting clues through the main NPCs Edgar Snow and In~igo. We ran out of time quickly exploring Paliparan. i could have gone a few hours with a RP-heavy group here! I had each of the players select an area on the map and I described it in narrative and we pressed to the end! It was still an enjoyable experience. I would have liked to see more of Dimali in the narrative of the adventure (as the real culprit here), but still not a show stopper.
Bottom line-players enjoyed it, and I enjoyed presenting it. There is more than enough material to revisit in several sessions if you wish. If you haven't pushed the button on this purchase-do it. Well done DM Paul G! I wish you continued success in your future work!
Climatic end to a good series of adventures. My players enjoyed the backdrop story over the course of this adventure and its predecessors. I appreciated the dueling Lair Actions aspect of this adventure.. to have positive and negative persistent effects was a great idea! My players struggle with puzzles; however, they were able to get through the Test of Reason with some of the tips provided. That sidebar will prove invaluable to DMs that may run into the same challenge. My favorite NPC was Hyll the Hag. I appreciate the creativity behind her .. Overall, this adventure is well written and gives DMs everything they need to present this tale and make the advenutre their own.
Good evening. I don't want to sound like too much of a broken record here, but I have some thoughts that I would like to share about this book. I appreciate the presentation of other cities of renown in the Forgotten Realms.. but I also like that material for areas that have already have adventures/sourcebooks also are revisted here. This is great to have them consolidated in one book. I appreciate the NPCS, villians and henchmen descriptions..it is clear that the contributors put it the effort to provide well-fleshed out NPCs ....the statblock for Minsc ....a compilation of creatures, to including Pazzuzu (and The Story of Triel) were more features that convinced me that this was a great purchase! Definitely add it to your collection.
I just ran this adventure for my players this weekend. They enjoyed the characters and there were many moments for role-play within the cultural references alone to keep them engaged. I was moved by the story and the design of this particular domain. They enjoyed the explanations of khoresh labhand and sharbat. I was particularly touched by what I beleive to be the offering of a spirit meal for a loved one. Spirit meals are an aspect of my culture that I hold very dear to my heart. I also enjoyed the cameo of a NPC from D&D 5e's past.
The only thing I was unsure of was the lingering of the storm or the potentially arriving late to the canyon that could happen at the end of Part One. The adventure presents meta to determine how long the storm lingers and how long of a delay to the canyon occurs. It doesn't hint at the nature of the consequences of the time delays, the lingering sandstorms continueing effects. DMs can easily consider environmental effects or what delays will do to the rescuing of the NPC in Part Two. Me? I just narrated the extra travel and the storms trajectory with no consequence.
The adventures premise is so strong and this adventure is so well put together that I have given it a 5-star rating. I haven't done that in a long time. A must for your collections, DMs.
Good evening!
This adventure was enjoyable for me as a DM because I was able to present a threat in skulks, creatures that I had not had the opportunity to be able to present up until this point. My players picked up from 2-1 so I also added in some carry over plot from their last adventure- they are not fans of the Black Bloods so I threw that in there along with the premise for this adventure. Several Lewyrr in the group= easily welcoming Seren into the fold. I appreciated using the hints for "moving objects/closing doors/ crreping sounds" to great effect here. I would warn that using it too much may end up as too much of a distraction to players.
When in Dynnegall, my players went straight to the library and remained there a bit longer than normal. I had to shift the book locations and place some reflective objects in the library because I was pressed for time. I did reduce the amount of skulks for a weak party and our players did end up fleeing--they lost two of the five in the party. I adjusted the narrative to capture what they were able to get done. Even so, the players all commmented that they enjoyed this adventure and its predesessor.. both are uniquely gripping and thematically pleasing. I am prepping 2-3 as we speak!
I enjoyed working with the skulks unique abilities, but I would tell you at some point you may want to consider letting your players learn how to confront these creatures through other means, checks, relocation of key objects (handout information) etc. or else the skulks could add the PCs to their numbers quickly...
This is another good adventure in the Moonshaes! Add it to your adventure libraries DMs!
Hi all. In prepping this adventure for my FEY-RUN weekends throughout next month, I thought I would share some thoughts:
- The Domain and the Wonderfey are unique and vibrantly described!The Domains of Delight presented in the mods I have read so far have been creative and intruiging!
- The presentation leads you to believe the premise will be entirely child-oriented, but there is mature, wholesome themes depicted here (it's a surprise!).
- I'm not going to lie--my thoughts did wander to my abuelita, who is not here anymore, but I enjoyed the Yvelise as an NPC.
- The last part of this adventure alone would sell this mod for me! Wonderfully depicted environment and surprising environment (I won't let the cat out of the BAG!).
This adventure is one of the more light-hearted of the DungeonCraft Spotlight. It's no Heir to Orcus, or slapstick comedy-themed adventure, but I believe this adventure is enjoyable and would be an excellent addition to any DM's adventure library. My rating is based on these above notes and comparisons to other work done by this designer--an adventure master for sure!
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for taking the time to leave a review Marcello! I hope your players enjoy their adventure in Wonderia! |
I just finished prepping this for my Fae-Run weekends! I thought I would share some thoughts:
- I'm not sure why 'Food' would be necessary to mention in a Content Warning, but I read on a full stomach and still was enticed by some of these delightfully delicious descriptives! Yum!
- The Scaling the Encounter and Collaborative Story-Telling sidebars are refreshing and could easily serve as a standard addition to designs!
- Castamella as a Domain Delight easily presents as comfortable clash of Candyland, Cupcake Kingdoms and child-hood Food Fantasy Fun!
- A combined check vice a group check? Yep, it's here and it makes sense!
- The premise of the adventure was easy to follow-even the chaos of a crumbling structure is captured in a unique Complications Table which serves also as a timeline for events in one part of the adventure.
- I appreciate that within this domain's beautiful depictions is a very deadly fate for PCs if they do not succeed.
- Dragonflyght and the Tantalizing Tower Parlor are some uniquely thought out locations that are further fleshed out by thoughtful Pillars of Play.
- There are several locations here that just radiate role-play and exploration--and the source of many of its highlights
My rating is based on the above comments and also that this is the first work by this designer that I have prepped for play. This adventure was not only enjoyable to read and understand, but it provides many elements that can sate all player appetites! Well done!
Prepping this adventure for my Fey-Run weekend one-shots next month. I thought I would share my thoughts:
- Lots of interesting and entralling narratives. I especially like the descriptives of the Domains Archefey: Estorian LeFae. The designer give you plenty of descrptive to portray the eladrin in vibrant detail!
- The Domain itself is much like the other sportlight adventures-intruigingly unique--I picture an artist paint palette when I read through it.
- The CTA provides you will many options to portray the Domains landscape through a table that helps with some of the depictions.
- The macguffin is just as unique as the regions within the domain that they must go to find them!
The highlight for me as a designer is a language-based challenge, Not a puzzle. Not a trap. But a language-based skill check. You have to check it out. Inventively original! If I have to nitpick, I would say there is reference to a cursed branch that has to be acquired, but for the life of me I can't find in the adventure where the players can do that. But honestly?- I don't care--this adventure hits the sweet spot for me in presentation, narrative and meta. Kudos all the way around for all involved in its development!
Oh yeah--add it to your Fey trove...gift it to your fey-renz!
Good evening,
I was prepping this adventure for a series of adventuers that I will be running for my local community over the next few weekends. My Fey-Run if you will. I thought I would share my thoughts:
- The adventure does have some minor grammatical hiccups, but these are easily overlooked.
- It provides a random chart of visages that you can use to describe the journey your players will take.
- It introduces some interesting butterfly beings
- You will likely need to consider reducing the DCs of the Joy Shops Curse. Those DCs appear a bit high, but the adventure is optimized for APL 4. The challenge presented in overcoming the curse involves making strings of saves or checks, depending on travelling time.
- Please take a look at rules for travelling. Because of this domain's effect on players, they are dimunitive and have to travel long distances to get to locations--while making these saves/checks against environmental effects.
- Players are against the clock--remember that.
- I enjoyed that there was a random Archey Customer chart to provide different play experiences and an unique twist on Chase scenario that is wonderfully creative and considered as meta for future considerations of chases!
My rating is based on these thoughts and my limited exposure to this designer's works. I look forward to seeing more from this designer in the future! Consider adding this to your collection of fey-themed adventures!
When reading this adventure, I instantly noticed how easy it was to read and digest. It's premise is a fun one and can help set up a future run in the Feywild for adventurers. It exposes the players to the nuances of the Feywild without the dire consequences that may come for some. As my players recounted their tale at the end, I encouraged each of them to share one thing that they "highlight" in their telling of their tale. One recounted befreinding a rat that helped them, two spoke of the plant that tried to teach them something but that they had to teach a lesson to. Finally, a player shared that they learned how important hospitality was to their dialogue and will be to their future adventurers in the Feywild. If I have to pick out something to balance this raving review, I would point out that the template of the REWARDs page leads you to believe that the treasure is found, vice presented at the end. But that is easily overloooked for what was a great time and great design! Great Job!
Hi all. I had several instances running this at a local convention this weekend. The collective player opinion was positive. They enjoyed the Domain of Falkovnia and the encounters on the way to Morfenzi! One DM specifically mentioned the final battle as "It was a great combination of siege-like combat and zombie apocalypse". The chase was described as being a bit generic but the way that the adventure captures the endless combat (five levels of exhaustion) was described as "heavy handed" but "fitting the setting". Both the players and the DMs echoed their enjoyment of this adventure and look forward to its follw-ups. The DMs enjoyed RMH-01, The Final Curtain a little bit better than this one which is why I gave it four instead of five stars! Overall, it's pretty solid and worthy of the setting it stems from. Another great effort!
Good evening.
I was the organizer for this event at a local convention this weekend. I had read it and thought that there would be some challenges. If you are running this epic, try to do it before you run the other adventures. It sets the plot into motion, the players are already in receipt of information that completes the epic's premise and is useful moving forward through the other adventures. Everyone did enjoy the faux paus. Creating them was a highlight for most players. Your combat-centric players may find the masquerade unfulfilling, but Part's Two and Three do provide some moments to sate their desires. The timing was good. We tapped the side of glass instead of a bell, but it worked. Our players even asked for the NPCs to make more that one appearance at a table- It worked for our convention, but I can see how that might be a challenge for bigger cons. Keep that in mind if you are running foe a larger convention.
Content wise, everything seemed to be there for an admin and NPC volunteers is needed to run it--I'm not a "what if?"-er, so I wasn't actively looking for solutions to every situation that might happen based on the narratives. It provides enough. The handouts were great!; however, the reading the tea leaves at the Moth Orchid Tea House seemed more of a time sink than anything. My DMs either avoided the teahouse or did not present the Tea Leaves Interaction if the players went to it. If you have DMs that can explain the concept of the Tea Leaf Reading to players without taking too much time up, it could be enjoyable.
The admin team had alot of fun presenting the interaction and the general feel from the DMs and players was that it was an enjoyable sleuth. It was neat to see the players eyes light up when they gained a level. I even heard some players at a table say, "We gained a level and we didn't kill anything?". They seemed surprised. But I understand that Ravenloft: MistHunters focus is on more social and exploration pillars. Players should still find enjoyment for this epic and if they are taking notes, they actually learn more about about the Domain of Dread that the epic takes place in--that could be helpful further down the road. Its a straightforward epic adventure and provides some well-fleshed out NPCs.
Hi all-
I decided to pick this up for the title alone. If you come at me with the title, "Battlefield of the Mind", my imagination starts mixing Ditko Dr. Strange comic book art, psychic combat and scenics from the 80's movie DREAMSCAPE. This adventure brought me somewhere close to it. I'm prepping it right now for my local convention.
I appreciate that there is a content warning in the Adventure Primer, but would have preferred to see it on the advertisement itself. The overview is a bit more than I needed in narrative. The adventure hooks were O.K. and have good utility. I am a big fan of learning new vocabulary, so I appreciate the use of avaricious (it means greedy). The adventure provides a great sidebar to let the DM know where it fits in the Rime of the Frostmaiden plot flow and also provides the means to present this as a one-shot. The plot flow is easy to follow (Won't spoil it). There are githyanki in this adventure doing what githyanki do! That was pretty exciting! There is an interesting phobia table that captures the swath of different phobias that players may be challenged with, and provides an alternative to this tables use to meet player comfort levels.
There are parts that call for the DM to build a random Dungeon of the Mind-which I think is cool. There comes a point where players appear pigeon-holed so they can advance to a series of battles of the mind, but they come with benefits (you'll see what i mean). There is a reconstituion period between each battle so players don't feel like they are entirely running a gauntlet. If they do reach the end. I think that the BBEG is appropriate and challenging. The Conclusion to the adventure is a lengthy boxed text, followed by narrative that likely will be read to players as well. I understand that the design was for convention play, so I get the utlity of the boxed text wrap up.
DC adventures can be challenging to make original; however, I believe Teddy Benson and Thomas Valley put together an adventure that is fun, challenging and worthy of your adventure collections. My overall rating is only based on its reading and preparation for play. Good Gaming.