I had the pleasure of diving right into Reverie and Murder, crafted by the talented Savannah Houston-McIntyre. Having been a fan of her previous works, I approached this adventure with high expectations, and I must say, it exceeded every one of them. This adventure truly blew me away with its fresh perspective on gameplay and storytelling.
One of the standout qualities of Savannah's writing is her ability to push both players and DMs to think outside the box and explore alternative approaches to utilizing their skill sets and rules. She once again excels in this aspect, presenting intriguing mysteries that encouraged my group to shed their usual murder-hobo tendencies with great success.
Returning to the familiar setting of Dynnegall was a nostalgic treat for those who played Army of the Unseen. It was both thrilling and amusing to witness the fate of this poor settlement, as their plight unfolded before our eyes. There are also a number of NPCs from Rising Shadows, so it was nice to visit with them five years on.
The adventure is constructed as a sandbox, with the setup meticulously laid out in part 1, and part 2 providing an array of toolkits to guide the players towards a satisfying conclusion. As stated in another review, I recommend reading through twice to prepare yourself. This unconventional structure initially caught me off guard, but I was quickly won over as the adventure played out with ease. It allowed for unparalleled flexibility and freedom, enabling me to shape the story with the choices and actions of my players. I can only assume this will make each session feel unique.
In conclusion, it captivated my group from start to finish, offering a refreshing change of pace and encouraging us to embrace the mysteries that awaited us. If you're seeking an adventure that pushes the boundaries of traditional storytelling and offers an immersive experience like no other, look no further. Reverie and Murder serves as a solid foundation for the new Moonshae storyline, leaving me eagerly anticipating what lies ahead.