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CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen $4.99
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CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
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CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Peter S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/28/2022 16:31:20

As many of the other reviewers have said, this is a really fun mystery adventure as you try to solve what's going on in the town. It can be somewhat dangerous for less experienced players, however, so DMs may need to adjust things based on the players' level of experience. But for those ready to engage with it, this is a super atmospheric & fun adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Marcello V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/05/2021 22:55:43

Good evening!

This adventure was enjoyable for me as a DM because I was able to present a threat in skulks, creatures that I had not had the opportunity to be able to present up until this point. My players picked up from 2-1 so I also added in some carry over plot from their last adventure- they are not fans of the Black Bloods so I threw that in there along with the premise for this adventure. Several Lewyrr in the group= easily welcoming Seren into the fold. I appreciated using the hints for "moving objects/closing doors/ crreping sounds" to great effect here. I would warn that using it too much may end up as too much of a distraction to players.

When in Dynnegall, my players went straight to the library and remained there a bit longer than normal. I had to shift the book locations and place some reflective objects in the library because I was pressed for time. I did reduce the amount of skulks for a weak party and our players did end up fleeing--they lost two of the five in the party. I adjusted the narrative to capture what they were able to get done. Even so, the players all commmented that they enjoyed this adventure and its predesessor.. both are uniquely gripping and thematically pleasing. I am prepping 2-3 as we speak!

I enjoyed working with the skulks unique abilities, but I would tell you at some point you may want to consider letting your players learn how to confront these creatures through other means, checks, relocation of key objects (handout information) etc. or else the skulks could add the PCs to their numbers quickly...

This is another good adventure in the Moonshaes! Add it to your adventure libraries DMs!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Robert M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/12/2021 16:36:18

Top notch adventure. My favorite part was that the mystery/investigation part of the adventure really engaged a couple of my players who are typically more “hang back and help out along the way” types. Getting to the bottom of the mystery really got them to take some extra initiative and leadership in and out of character.

I ran this for a non-AL home group, so I was able to make Seren very personable, and linked her to various background parts of the PCs. It really made the conclusion touching and tragic.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Carsten G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/05/2021 22:16:50

One of my favourite modules so far. It's a awesome atmospheric Horror Detective Module. DOn't be too hard with the Chars at the End Encounter otherwhise they have no chance.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/11/2021 11:49:17

There is a lot to love about Army of the Unseen. First let me say, don't run / play it on a whim. The DM needs to be well prepared as there is a fair amount going on. The players need to be engaged and really paying attention to what they experience or they can get lost or frankly, just miss out on some of the cool story. Huge respect to the author Savannah Houston-McIntyre for presenting a tier 1 mod that feels really "different" and even more for taking a shot at provoking an emotional reaction. I'd put this in the top ~10% of AL mods that I've experienced.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Aaron N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/10/2019 16:36:27

CCC-BMG-MOON 2-2 Army of the Unseen 5/5 Stars

A great adventure for the role playing DM! Need something to make your characters think first, then fight? Play this module. The sense of the unknown was great, and I personally liked the horror aspects much better than Barovia modules. Pros: Good story, great adversaries, well laid out plot lines. Cons: It is a bit of a railroad to get all the clues, but I feel that forces the party to play the entire adventure, not just run around killing things.

A excellent bridge module for the MOON 2 trilogy.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Elizabeth W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/01/2019 21:31:49

This was a fantastic module! I really enjoyed the very creepy and Celtic horror feel! My players liked the challenge of seeing the monsters and the puzzles that weren't too challenging. Story wise, it fits well into into the overall story arc and follows nicely behind the first part.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by erik c. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2019 22:09:10

Creepy and tons of fun to play. As a DM, it's hard to find a horror themed module that doesn't end up feeling campy. This one was great because it presents the players with encounters they can't just solve via stats. You're forced to think about what's happening and engage with the setting.

The adventure design is mostly streamlined with a few areas where it branches out. Writing and characters were solid. For an average party, encounters are medium, hard if you don't try to understand the main mystery.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Denise H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/07/2019 03:06:04

Really great creepy atmospheric adventure but a lot of things went sideways during play. I can't tell if I misunderstood some bits of this module or if my players and I just made a series of bad choices.

The Good: Really interesting monster concept, delightfully creepy and my players realy enjoyed the original experience. The first encounter was a great tie in for those who had already done Moon 2-1 and the final encounter was great in its own right and a good bridge for 2-3. There were great details to 'what' was in the town and there was a lot of freedom for players to explore things in any order. All of the NPCs were well fleshed out. The player handout items were really great and added a sense that this was a real town where something bad was happening. The emotional arc of this module for my players was: (1) What happened here? (2) Oh no what is HAPPENING (3) WHY? (4) Is fixing it worth the risk? Because of the arc, my players wavered between 'this is the right thing to do' and 'but also it might kill us' which led to some meaningful roleplay and character decisions for them.

Where we had issues: Probably due to my own reading comprehension, I never really got WHY those creatures were there. There's some information toward the end but I would have loved a bit more there there. I'm not personally familiar with the two main creatures found in this adventure and would have enjoyed more information about them to help with roleplay / description. Possibly because of those two things, I didn't really understand why the ritual was more helpful than using a sword. The puzzly bit needs some massaging to make sure item placement makes sense.

Advice to myself for next time: I need a compelling reason for my players to explore more before holing up and hiding from all the creepiness. I'm also going to put in reasons why players should look for particular puzzle bits in particular places so everything feels more intentional.

Still - highly recommended!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Craig C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/27/2019 23:09:42

very good change of pace after running 2-1. Fun horror feel and I liked using the new monsters from MTOF. The party was in trouble until they figured out the "trick". It really added to the suspense. Much exploration and a great story..

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Michael Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/15/2019 17:43:26

This is the best horror adventure I've seen in AL, with a better handle on atmospheric horror than all of the season 4 Ravenloft DDAL adventures. It's a four-hour adventure, but it's easy to finish within three and a half hours, or even sooner depending on where the adventurers go and how much time you want to spend in exploration and descriptions. It's part of a trilogy, but it can easily be run standalone.

The story of Army of the Unseen is built upon a specific monster from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, and the adventure uses that monster's lore and mechanics to its fullest. The adventurers arrive at the town of Dynnegal and explore the area, slowly realizing that something's gone horribly wrong in town and that there are unseen horrors all around them. Eventually, the party must defeat the horrors that they can't even see and try to find a way to stop the curse before it spreads. The adventure features two major NPCs with a lot of personality and depth, as well as a ton of well-crafted letters and handouts which reveal the story of the town in a deliberate and natural manner and which really reward attention to detail from the players. I would strongly recommend having a player read most of these handouts aloud when they receive them, since they really add to the atmosphere.

In terms of mechanics, the module includes several battles which don't feature a ton of monster variety, but are still tactically interesting due to the unseen monsters and the method of revealing them. Battles with those monsters around town are best handled with theater of the mind to keep things simple and add to the creepy atmosphere, but the set piece encounter in the library is best run with a map since the adventurers can move things around and position their assets ahead of time, so a battlemap can really reward them for planning ahead. The first and last battles can be run either way, though climactic fights are always best handled with a map. The adventure features two battlemaps for the library and the final battle, as well as two gorgeous maps for the town and the nearby farmstead.

Besides combat, the adventure also has a simple puzzle that the adventurers need to collect and assemble to proceed. The puzzle is very easy for players who are familiar with D&D spellcasting, and even if they can't figure it out, it's not hard to just try all the combinations, so it's not going to be a bottleneck on the adventure. Mostly, the puzzle pieces help flesh out a major NPC's personality, and provide a good reason for the party to explore around town.

The editing is of high quality overall. The adventure is laid out and structured in a natural manner which provides the DM with all the information they need by the point that they need it. I didn't notice any obvious spelling and grammatical errors, and the adventure has solid internal consistency. My only complaints are that the background info has a stilted, passive style which makes it a bit harder to understand than if the sentences had clearer subjects and more active voice, and the box texts are overall quite helpful, but can be a bit too long and flowery at times. There's also one point of confusion regarding consistency: the bell tower atop the library is supposed to ring at dusk, but there are no monsters or anything else of interest on the upper floors of the library, so my table wasn't sure who was pulling the bell. I handwaved it by saying it was a magical bell, but it would be nice if the adventure provided an explanation. The NPC and Location summary is also laughably brief, so I would have liked to see the entries fleshed out there, or to have the page removed entirely (since the exact same info is in the adventure primer).

Overall, Army of the Unseen is an excellently-crafted atmospheric horror adventure which is a great showcase for how the lore of a monster can inspire an entire adventure around it. This is truly one of the best AL adventures I've ever seen, and I can't recommend it highly enough.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Kari M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/29/2019 16:18:45

Lots of fun to run as a DM. Players all enjoyed the challenge and the puzzle. Written for the Adventure League season 8 rules which makes the "treasure" sections not really work, so I skipped them. However, it's a nice addition if you aren't running under Adventure League, so a plus to that.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-BMG-MOON2-2 Army of the Unseen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Dan O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/04/2019 17:49:14

I played this adventure at a convention, and loved it so much I had to pick a copy up for my local group. As a player, and as a DM, I have never enjoyed a module so thoroughly. It is beautifully written. It is full of suspense. It is different in the best way possible. I promise if you pick up this adventure, you will not regret it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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