Using this quick start, I've ran three sessions of the sample adventure. I was interested in trying out the dice system and played with a group experienced players. I like a lot of the rules presented but had some frustration with the sample scenario which seems to be missing a few rules. I liked what I saw enough to buy the core book.
I like the ability to 'push' rolls. It allows players to try something out before risking injury. Willpower did not prove to be a big deal for my group. We played on roll20 and their was good integration for the three dice pools. Combat proved to be brutal (characters and enemies taken down in a single attack) but Critical Damage table is surprisingly forgiving with few entries that kill a player outright. There did seem to be edge cases that the rules did not cleanly address, like how recovery works (normally in hours) with Journeys (in quarter days).
The Journey system was a standout. All of us were impressed with how it made overland travel interesting, especially with variable resource decay. I'd recommend that anyone interested in such systems take a look. It did feel like the Quick Start did not include rules for crossing rivers, which is odd because they were prominently marked on the map.
Lacking outside research, the setting is a bit confusing. How people feel about Rust Brothers or Raven Sisters isn't mentioned despite being parts of the pre-gen back stories. It’s not a big deal, but it would be nice if we had a quick description of the proper names.
Layout isn’t great, especially for the first play through. In combat, I was flipping between five or six different pages checking on what actions could be done, what equipment did and what special rules existed for the monsters.
Once outside of the Journey system, the scenario was challenging to run. There were good ideas, but the descriptions left ambiguity. The location is described in general areas, but the connections between all of them were unclear. For example, one of the first questions my players asked was how hard it would be to scale the cliff between locations #2 and #10 and no guidance is provided. Location #7 was also problematic as it was unclear how to deal with the obstacle. This is made more difficult as there is no guidance on how to deal with rolls outside of the 16 skills. My players wanted to scavenge for materials at Location #7, and neither the descriptions nor rules gave a clear answer. It also would be nice to have an idea of how the other adventuring party planned to progress.
Our three sessions were:
- Setup and travel to the base of Weatherstone
- Weatherstone up to location #7 where the party encounter Esgar’s party trying to overcome the obstacle. Our heroes ambushed them solely to kill the Rust Brother, they succeed and Esgar's party is scattered.
- Weatherstone to #9 where the heroes encountered a monster, took two causalities and ran away.
We’re planning to play follow up sessions.