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Libram of Lost Spells, vol. 2 $3.95
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Libram of Lost Spells, vol. 2
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Libram of Lost Spells, vol. 2
Publisher: Total Party Kill Games
by Jason L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/28/2019 13:27:43

Another Libram of Lost Spells to add to my game! Excellent.

Let's get the bad out of the way so we can talk about the good. This is going to seem like a wall of text but it's only 3 spells out of 21. Ashen Waste feels like it could be overpowered depending on how your DM handles blindness. Anyone in the 20ft radius area is blinded without a save and the area is difficult terrain. Blindness/Deafness works on two targets at that level but Ashen Waste could target a couple dozen. Call of the Grave, on the other hand, seems underpowered. A 3rd level spell that just makes an undead creature move to a space you designate and stand there while you concentrate for a minute? And it won't walk through a hazard to get there and breaks free if it's attacked? It seems like a waste of an action, not to mention a waste of a known spell or prepared slot. Rumored Demise get special credit as the most ridiculous spell ever. For an hour you can tell people that someone died and they believe you for the duration if they fail their save. Why? Why would anyone use a 1st level spell slot on this? Bluff is still a skill, right? And its effects are permanent until the dummy you lie to finds better information.

Now it's time for the good! And there's so much of it, seriously. Remember Legolas in the Lord of the Rings movies? When he's in hand to hand combat and ducking and shooting arrows at uruk-hai just feet away? That's Archer's Intuition. For a minute you don't suffer disadvantage for using your ranged attack against an adjacent enemy and you can make opportunity attacks with your bow with a 10' threatened area. So baller. Fire Charm lets you make a torch that can fascinate creatures that look at it. Kudos to the author for writing this so well. It can be hard to adjudicate if a creature is looking at a specific spot but the text is admirably clear. Rain of Poison Toads is a great 3rd level spell that obscures the area of its effect as well as making it difficult terrain and damaging creatures. Also it's absolutely hilarious; just frong dropping from the sky, man. It gets me. Ravenous Roots is genuinely creepy, like it makes me a little sick to think about doing that to someone. But it's also perfect for the druid and really screams with the power of nature; creation and destruction, predator and prey, everything goes back to being dirt in the end. Also, it's nice to see a new 8th level spell in general. Speaking of high level spells, this volume adds the first 9th level spell of the series, Sleep of the Dead. This makes a creature immortal and invulnerable to harm but also unconscious, so there's that. They geta new save every month but that should be plenty of time for you to get the body transported to another plane of existence where he won't bother anyone for a while. Also I would want to cast it on a fellow party member and use them for various household tasks like hammering nails or knocking out drywall.

I also want to give mention to Spell Skull, a 5th level spell that lets you implant a 3rd level or lower spell into a skull after which it follows you around for a minute or until you direct it to trigger the spell. It has to be an instantaneous spell that doesn't affect just a single target but it's a great way to get an extra spell out on a turn or deliver a spell in a place or manner that you couldn't normally. Secrets in Ink is an awesome level 1 spell that lets you leave a jar of ink somewhere that will later report everything it saw and heard. That's awesome utility and I love it.

I think 18 or 19 (depending on how you feel about Ashen Waste) out of 21 spells is worth 5 stars for a book under $4. I definitely look forward to further volumes.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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