When I first read this mod and the reviews for it, I thought this would be a really awesome mod. My table filled quickly and another DM offered to open a second table, which also filled. She ended up taking mostly new players and a couple more experienced players, while I had mostly experienced players. Both tables enjoyed the initial rp, and the Baern bonus objective (100% my absolute favorite part of this mod! Oh, the confusion and horror!). For both of us, things were great until the final fight. At the other table, a couple players went with their characters' beliefs and sacrificed themselves, which the new players WERE NOT ON BOARD WITH (meanwhile, my table was trying to out-sly a fae king, which also was not going well). So combat happens, yada yada. I think the issue came at the end because there wasn't a happy, tidy ending--which is something I like about this mod. My table was obviously disappointed and just kind of shrugged it off, but it was the first time I had that kind of awkward feeling at my table. Which was better than the other table, because some of the players were so upset, they ended up having to have a conversation about how things don't always go the way you want and don't always wrap up neatly. Anyways, neither of us expected our players to react like that. I would consider running this again, but it would take the right group of players.