I ran this adventure for a group of three players, it ended up taking about 6 hours to finish - much longer than intended however I personally wasn't worrying about the time taken as it was at home.
I really enjoy many parts of this adventure, the different puzzles are a lot of fun with some slight modifications and it really scratches the exploration itch that a lot of adventures don't.
The major modifications for this I made were giving the puzzles more opportunities for feedback - the major issue was the crystal room. Without the clue found elsewhere in the adventure this becomes essentially a guessing game, with the clue it's a simple matter of following instructions. By giving my players feedback when they were getting closer to the correct configuration they were able to figure it out and feel accomplished.
The final fight can go either way, especially with three characters, so I would advise anyone running this adventure to be very careful with what spells are used by the BBEG - It can very easily be a tpk. Saying that, it can also very easily be a cakewalk so good luck!