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Player's Quick Combat Guide
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Calvin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2021 14:38:47

I am part of a local gaming club that holds regular events for new players and this page guide is a fantastic breakdown of what exactly can be done in a round of combat. It is easy to reference and is useful for brand new players and people who are returning to the game after 30 years. If you run a D&D club or regularly find that you are teaching the game this guide is a fantastic resource you can hand out to help people feel more comfortable.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Player's Quick Combat Guide
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Moonshae Isles Map
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Calvin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2021 14:20:57

Fantastic Map in an easy to read style.
I have run multiple adventures in the Moonshaes as part of the BMG Rising Shadows storyline at conventions and this map is a great way let players visualize where they are at any given time. All the major points are identified while still leaving enough blank space to let me fill in encounter locations where needed. I did have to split the map into two pieces to upload it to Roll20, but it was easy to line them back up once that was done. When we go back to in-person gaming I will get a larger version of this printed to take with me when I run games here.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Moonshae Isles Map
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Exploring Eberron
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Calvin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2021 14:15:44

I ordered a phyiscal copy of this and recieved it in the mail several days ago and it is as beautiful as the preview promises. The formatting is easy to read and the images perfectly printed. This book is the perfect companion to ERftLW. Nothing in here is needed to run a game in Eberron, but it helps flesh out the world by providing examples of how the Last War has impacted individual characters rather than a whole community. For Example, if a character is from Thaliost, do they consider themselves Brelish or Aundairan? Do they accept their new rulers or are they seeking to flip control of the city? If a character is an artificer, which tradition do they follow? The established methods of House Cannith the traditions of the Dhakaani, or perhaps the methods favored by the dwarves of the Mrorr Holds. The additional information of Droamm is what I am most excited about personally. The concept of the entire nation is facsinating and I look forward to my players' interaction with the various powers that govern this land of "Monsters"

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Exploring Eberron
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Creator Reply:
Thank you Calvin! More information about Droaam is coming in Frontiers of Eberron: Threshold, out later this year (2021)!
DDAL06-02 Epic Map pack for The Redemption of Kelvan
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Calvin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/05/2020 20:24:10

Beautiful set of maps that made running this adventure online a true joy. The rooms have been recreated as described to assist players and DMs in understanding what is in each room and how to interact with them. A movable token of the wyverns from the clockwork room at the end would have been nice to help keep the overall feel, but I was able to find an appropriate token online. I will be picking up this artist's map set for 06-01 based on the quality in this one.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL06-02 Epic Map pack for The Redemption of Kelvan
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CCC-GEL-01 Bedlam at the Benefit
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Calvin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/08/2020 11:41:49

I love this module. All three pillars of play are given equal standing and it creates an unforgetable experience. The only warning to other DMs who run this module is that the combats can be devastating to level 1 & 2 players, especially the final fight. The social interactions at the beginning of the mod are great and listening to players strategize about how they would work the room was my favorite part of running this adventure. This module might present challenges for players who are less comfortable with role playing a social encounter, in that case I would encourage the teamwork mechanic in the module as a way to give players someone for their characters to respond to. If the players choose to not engage in exploration there is a strong possibility of a TPK. But if you can guide them through the exploration they will have a challenging final battle that leaves them with a true feeling of accomplishment.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GEL-01 Bedlam at the Benefit
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CCC-MMT 01-01: Secrets of Imaginary Friends
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Calvin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/08/2020 11:34:27

This module is an excellent follow-up to Bedlam at the Benefit, the players I ran this for enjoyed the chance to re-visit the site of one of their previous adventures and see how the community had grown and developed. It is very role play heavy which my group likes but the combats are easy to scale, and there is an optional objective for players who want more engagement with that pillar of play. Also the creature at the end was a tricky opponent even for a strong group because of it's unique form of stealth. The continued theme of the sleeping evil trying to break free helped the players understand the nature of the actual BBEG. The onle story point I had a hard time folding in was the story of Elua's Ride. I understand it is a major passion of one of the NPCs but the players and I were left confused about how the story of the Ride was relevant to the events of the module.

Overall I enjoyed the mod and look forward to running it again.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-MMT 01-01: Secrets of Imaginary Friends
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Sisterhood of the Blade (CCC-UNITE-AN-04)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Calvin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/24/2020 14:43:50

I recently started dming for a new group that is a mix of players completely new to D&D, players new to 5e, and experienced 5e DMs. And we all had fun. The DMs in the group all intend to pick up this module as a way to teach the game to new players. This is the only adventure I have played that explains the game mechanics of D&D as part of the storytelling. This made it super easy for the new players to ask questions about how things worked in character instead of feeling like they were breaking the experience of the game by asking about the rules. More importantly the additional content provides a chance to experience less common elements of play such as complex traps, and resistance/immunity to certain kinds of damage or effects. If you are looking for a module to teach new players or just something with a less intense combat at low tiers this is the perfect module to pick up.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sisterhood of the Blade (CCC-UNITE-AN-04)
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When Mages Fall (CCC-OA-01-01)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Calvin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/24/2020 14:17:56

Ran this with a group of new players and the entire table had a good time with this one. I loved the emphasis on the non-combat pillars of play and seeing what solutions the player's came up with to solve the mystery. A solid module to follow up on the lessons in CCC-UNITE-AN-04 as part of teaching new players the game and how to use multiple approaches to solve a problem. Highly reccomend the base adventure for new players while more experienced ones will enjoy the bonus objectives.

Note to DMs running the adventure: The explanation of what exactly drove the events that set off the adventure are slightly dense. I broke up the chunks of the backstory over the course of the investigation to allow the players to discover a lost piece of history as they went through the adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
When Mages Fall (CCC-OA-01-01)
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Creator Reply:
Thanks so much for leaving a review, I'm glad your players enjoyed it!
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