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Five Torches Deep
Publisher: Sigil Stone Publishing
by Darick M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/08/2019 17:38:40

A fantastic book. The game sets out to make a simplified, more dangerous, and more risky version of 5e. The artwork is some of the best I've seen in an RPG book, the price is very fair for what you get.

Part of what I enjoy about this book is what it doesn't have: listed magic item rules, a needless "What is Roleplaying" chapter to pad out the front of the book, and dozens of monster statblocks (There is, instead, a set of simple rules on making your own monsters). Because it doesn't have them, it requires the GM to come up with their own magic items, teach the players what roleplaying is, and come up with their own monsters. On that last subject, having played and run games for a while, monsters tend to lose their luster when they are always the same. As a player, these days I'm not scared or mystified when I run into a troll. I know how trolls work and now my next goal is figuring out how I can justify my character knowing those same things.

If, however, I know that I'm playing in John's FTD game, there's no telling what kind of creatures could lurk in the tunnels below the earth, since John has to make them. Even if he calls them "Trolls," they could have any strengths and weaknesses John chooses. This makes me feel engaged with the game since, like my character, I don't know what to expect in the caverns below.

Anyway yeah, great game, super pleased with the product, will review the physical copy when it arrives.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Five Torches Deep
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