When I first read the title for this wonderful little piece, I thought it was a serious write-up for the long-missing progenitor of the Ordo Dracul. I am not at all sorry to say that I am still waiting for that write-up after taking five minutes to read through this four page dossier.
The bulk of the file is written similar to the short stories that begin and end White Wolf's other World of Darkness books. The viewpoint switches between the straightforward, no-nonsense perspective of Dracula himself and the vulgarity-filled exclamations of his "partner". The entire story had me in tears from laughter while at the same time giving an excellent feel for how the character should be presented at the gaming table.
To speak of the "mechanical" usefulness of the file, it comes with a complete write-up, including a new Fighting Style Merit (which is written in not-as-harsh language as the opening story).
Perhaps the best part of this whole package is you can drop hints to "Dracula" throughout your game and watch your Vampire players get really excited (or really, really scared) before revealing all the talk to be this big fellow and just watch the reaction. Portrayed properly, Count F** Dracula may become one of the most memorable characters in any story he appears.