The Dragon Citadel Tarokka Deck Card Game is a somewhat complex game intended to be played with the Curse of Strahd tarokka deck, though you could also try to play with a regular set of tarot cards or even a regular set of playing cards. It is intended to act as a mini game that you as the DM can introduce, either using it for fun, gambling, a bargaining tool, or whatever you wish.
The basic premise is that the players compete with the DM, who acts as the dealer. Players can either work together to defeat the dealer or compete with each other and the dealer. The essence of the game is that the dealer places down a card face up and the players have to beat that card by either playing a higher number in that suit or some other trump card. Other cards called “Crown cards” and “Hero cards” are used as well.
Ultimately, this card game seems like something that is rather simple that has been made too complex. The instructions have been conflated to include both collaborative and competitive play, resulting in lack of clarity. The Turns of Play section doesn’t fully explain what the Hero and Crown cards are, instead hoping that the instructions will adequately explain them. Even ending/winning/scoring the game is confusing, telling you that winning the game involves just staying alive but that scoring does exist, if only to settle bets or get treasure.
Overall, it’s not a terrible game and it does mostly work in gameplay, but the instructions could benefit from some additional editing. Why are the four pages of the game in three different styles? Why aren’t the Crown and Hero cards better defined? What is the Player Score Sheet for? I think with just a bit more editing, all these questions could be answered and the game would make a lot more sense. Right now, it just feels like it needs a bit more work.