This was my first campaign as a new DM. My husband and I played it so I could get some experience DMing and he could play through his backstory. Having played through all 3 modules now, I feel that overall, this could use some polishing to really help out a new DM. My thoughts are below.
The Pros:
-I liked the NPC descriptions and the information they were able to offer. They provided plenty of opportunity for roleplaying
-The adventure hooks were fun and engaging for my player.
-The linear style in this one helped me figure out what to do as a DM and how everything should go
-I liked the settings and the included maps were very helpful
-It was easy to adjust everything in order to work my player's backstory into it.
-The frost giant escape was a good exercise in thinking on my feet.
-It helped me figure out how I like to have my notes organized and how to run a campaign.
The Cons:
-There are many questions raised in this module that are never answered by the authors, even in the following modules. Why did the amulet pull the PC through the portal? How exactly did Garren get turned into crystal and why? Why was the frost giant in the cave with him? I ended up making up some answers and working them into the character's backstory, which was more work than I was prepared to put into my first time DMing.
-Garren was overpowered for the Level 1 PC he was with. Combat in all 3 modules was too easy thanks to Garren's huge damage numbers and my husband as a fighter felt he had nothing to do. I guess I could have changed Garren around, but that would have meant creating a new backstory for him and again, more work than I wanted to put into a premade module.
-As a new DM, playing Remmy and Garren and the monsters during combat was exhausting and difficult. Figuring out combat is hard enough when there's a group of enemies, but throwing in 2 NPC companions made it harder. Eventually by the third module, my husband agreed to play Garren in combat and I would play him during roleplay.
-Speaking of companions, where is Remmy? He's mentioned in the beginning as someone possible to take along and then only mentioned as an afterthought in the second module. I kept forgetting he was even there except during combat and again, it was a lot for a new DM to handle.
-It was very text-heavy, describing exactly what the player should do and assuming the PC will follow the steps in order. It's not so bad in this one as it's short, but is more pronounced in the other two modules following this one.
What I changed:
-I ended up rewriting this to be less linear and give the player more agency. For example, I split the module into parts like "If the PC does this, then..."
-I added a PER check to find the Ring of Protection in the training ground and some fun items for the PC to find in the lake after failing perception checks.
-I added more descriptions of the areas in general, especially combat areas.
-Made use of the Ice Mephit's "False Appearance" ability and made the PC roll a PER check on a seemingly ordinary icicle.