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Oh, I Hate Spiders! - A 5e side trek adventure $0.00
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Oh, I Hate Spiders! - A 5e side trek adventure
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Oh, I Hate Spiders! - A 5e side trek adventure
Publisher: Terry Herc
by C M W B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/17/2020 16:37:07

This is a really cute, quirky little adventure. While I reflavoured it somewhat for my own setting (as the over the top zaniness doesn't ring true to my setting), it has all of the elements of a really fun adventure: challenging combats, an element of problem solving, and a fun setting.

I enjoyed this so much that I backed their recent Kickstarter project to further expand on the character and their mishaps.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Oh, I Hate Spiders! - A 5e side trek adventure
Publisher: Terry Herc
by Paul D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/12/2020 20:53:58

Haven't had a chance to use it yet, but I've skimmed through and it looks great! My only criticism is that the print version has text that's just a bit small for my liking. I'm really looking forward to using this in my games!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Oh, I Hate Spiders! - A 5e side trek adventure
Publisher: Terry Herc
by Adrian M. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/12/2019 10:09:28

This is a fun little adventure. I believe the premise and original quest are cleverly designed, and would make for a good one-off session.

If I can give some constructive criticism to the adventure, it would be:

  • Missing maps for more levels of the inn. Granted, these are easy to improvise, but it would have been a nice touch for completeness sake (cellar, second level, etc).
  • The table with "Hazards" is quite nice, but would benefit from some more writeup. The trapped guest makes a nice touch, to have a non-combat encounter. Who is it? Add more check ideas (e.g. Persuasion to calm the guest down, or have them hand a useful potion to the party (of hill giant strength, makes grappling checks for capturing the spiders easier?)).
  • The rarity ranking of the "Phase Belt" is probably completely off, since it's a 1/day item, with a huge drawback; seems weaker than rare to me.
  • There is no indication as to what a "swarm of bees" is. I assume a "swarm of insects" from the basic rules, but with a flying speed?

All in all, and given that it is FREE I would encourage everyone to get this whilst they can, and have run with this adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Oh, I Hate Spiders! - A 5e side trek adventure
Publisher: Terry Herc
by Jared G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/14/2019 18:37:30

I regularly follow Terry Herc to see what kind of adventures and items he comes up with next. I found this Humbert Drumsley Adventure to be pretty funny to play through, my players had some good laughs and the battle/puzzle of grabbing the spiders and throwing down the ward stones was tricky at times. Everyone found the challenge enjoyable and I look forward to seeing more from Humbert Drumsley.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Oh, I Hate Spiders! - A 5e side trek adventure
Publisher: Terry Herc
by Jay R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/12/2019 20:13:07

An excellent little between session adventure! I can see having a lot of fun with the Humbert Drumsley character.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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