Pretty good, but it is way to obvious. I ran this with my players last session and if you just spend a little time talking to the headmistress she will basically reveal everything eventually. A few persuasion and insight checks make the whole mystery way to obvious. Since the headmistress actually cares for the children she is willing to trust people into looking into the matter. Since she already expect fiends are involved she can point that out. She have all the notes of Felix parents and how he arrived. She even holds the locket and if anyone is able to speak celstial they can put everything together without even meeting Felix. The other children should also know that they have had strange dreams since Felix showed up. Anyone with a brain and trust that the Headmistress is not evil, will figure out everything way to fast.
Also what is the deal with Felix not having the locket? The statblock for the monster clearly say the demon must be around the locket. So why do the headmistress have it?