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DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders $4.99
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DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
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DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Shaoxiong Y. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/26/2024 06:54:50

A rather linear adventure that flesh out the skullport, I like the background information it provided and correpond well with the information presented from the Mad Mage's Dungeon. DMs might need to do some extra work to flesh out NPC and put more effort into roleplaying, otherwise players might start getting a feeling that they are running around doing a chain of fetch quest.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Alan B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2024 17:12:22

I was a bit disappointed in this adventure. If this had been during my time as an editor of "Living Greyhawk" adventures, I would have sent this back to the author for a few revisions.


  • Skullport adventure, yay. This town has had so much character and potential for adventuring since 2E, it always needs more adventures.
  • Good adjustments for APL
  • Good suggestions for if the adventure goes in unexpected directions
  • Characters encountered are varied, and provide opportunity for entertaining role-playing


  • A bit too railroad-y -- go here, then go here, then go here. Throwing in a "red herring" or two would have been better -- hey, it sounds like the right clue, but turns out to be a waste of time...
  • maps sometimes don't conform to boxed text. Example: Episode 3, Scene B: Yraxilinith’s Lair: "This spacious studio [my emphasis] contains a bookshelf, a desk and chair, a mediation mat". Actual room size is the opposite of spacious: 3 x 4, bookshelves in the centre of that area, and must somehow fit in a mindflayer, 3 grimlock veterans (possibly 5 if adjusting for high APL party), AND a party of 4-6 adventurers.
  • What is Volo offering the adventurers in payment for tracking down the ring? (other than a vague "Hey, we'll all explore Ahghairon's Tower together")
  • How did key come to be in pawnshop? How did Yraxilinith find out about it and decide to buy it? How did Volo find out about it?
  • Yraxilinith's rationale for starting this is only contained in the Adventure Primer at the start of the adventure, but is not repeated in the encounter with Yraxilinith. For DM's sake, this essential info should be repeated.
  • Why did Yraxilinith murder Mugrub? She is good, unlike other murder victims, who had been evil. She had followed Yraxilinith's orders, successfully buying the key and passing it on to the next cut-out. So why did Yraxilinith kill her? No explanation in text. The only explanation I could think of is that Yraxilinith is trying to remove Mugrub so that the key can't be traced back to it, but if so, why hasn't it also killed everyone else involved such as Laurel Stillwater (Bonus Objective A) and Grubbus Pitsnout (Bonus Objective B)?
  • Why only three traps out of six in Yraxilinith's trap queue? Wouldn't it be better to provide all six traps, leaving DMs free to substitute or eliminate any of them, rather than have three "fill in the blanks"?
  • No player maps, so for VTT play, requires work to remove DM-only markings.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Brad W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/25/2023 12:03:31

It has the framework for a good adventure, but after getting through it, it has glaring holes which the author neglected to support: -Why would the Yraxilinith kill Mugrub after paying her to get the key for him? (HUGE PLOT HOLE which makes no sense) -Why mention the Flameskulls giving bizarre quests or having the party break nonsensical laws if you don't provide examples? This adventure can be either very short (if all social interactions) or extremely long (multiple fights) which makes gauging this for a typical 3-4 hour AL session extremely difficult -If the author is going to include fights with certain monsters, please include their stat blocks (I had to make up them on my own)

[2 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jugs O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/29/2021 23:23:32

As a player, this was the very first role-play heavy Adventurers League game I ever joined (I prefer combat, so all of you can tell why I joined).

I am writing this review because I had a great time then, and I have a great time now DMing this for other people.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/21/2019 21:34:26

Great mod, even though I had to wait quite a while to find a group of T2 to run it for. I had the privilege to run DDAL08-11 and DDAL08-12 at a Con back in June, so I was eager to see how part I fit in. Much like parts II and III, the fights look scarier than they actually turn out to be.

That being said, a Mindflayer with 12 ID can wipe the floor with pretty much any party of any level (Mind Blast is 60’ AoE stun attack, which Y gets as a reaction, the basic MF attack is both grapple and stun-if grappled and stunned you’re taking 10d10 per turn, which can easily hit triple digits on a crit. Plus 12 shots per turn at Body Thief (unless you’re a wizard Int is a dump stat, so most characters should be very afraid of getting eaten quickly, which leads to some interesting PvP action). Now despite the BBEG fight from hell, Y immediately surrenders and the module is over.

The two bonus objectives were fun, the party necromancer jumped at the chance to get a trio of pet zombies, and the other objective was the only combat in the entire expedition (see previous paragraph).

Magic item drop is amazing; I’m definitely grabbing another with Dedicated DM.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Amy M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/12/2019 10:13:01

This was a fun game to run, and my players accomplished all the tasks, including the bonus objectives, Just under three hours. The players were impressed witht he amuluet at the end, and I got the impression they thought it was a good unlock.

The NPCs were fun to run as they contrast the party. All of them just want to live their lives doing what they are doing, and the party storms in to shake things up. My favorite was the mindflayer, as he just wants to live a peacefull life (while getting rid of bad people in skullport). When my party saw him, he was kind and non-combative, just wanted to know if they needed help. I think having a mindflayer (with all the reputation they have) act in this way, shocked my party. Not all creatures in D&D are good, but not every one seeks combat.

I was impressed because every single encounter in this module can be delt with, without any combat. If you have a party of diplomats they will enjoy charming the information out of the NPC. If your party loves to fight, insult, and brutily succeed, then there is always a chance they will be entering into combat when they meet NPC as well as random encounters with the flamingskulls.

The encounters are decent, and can be scaled up for tougher parties. If you can, find out what the party will consit of, as futer planning will alow you to be prepared to describe the amount of enemies in the room.

The only issue I had running this game was the NPC's actions. Their ideals, bonds, ect were all on one page instead of the scenes where you meet them. If you have a few hours to prepare, you can make a note of how they will interact, but I feel like that information should have been where you meet the characters. That way if you forget something you can quickly look down at the page.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Red P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/02/2019 18:11:08

Overall I loved prepping this module and I can definitely reuse a lot of this for future games. I, like many others, like geting more for my money and that's something this provides.


  • NPCs/Locations - definitely the shining star of this module. I fell in love with all of them and I'll definitely be importing these in future games for my players. I can tell a ton of effort went into creating this thing and I really appreciate that.
  • Magic Item - My players were pleasantly surprised about the item
  • Flexibility - A DM with time to prep really has a huge number of options at their disposal as to how they want to customize this adventure - or instead, you can just follow the prompts and just roll with it
  • Maps - The maps in this module were pretty diverse and I'm glad that they put the effort into creating these
  • Handouts - There were tons of them and I love it when I have something I can give to the group during their explorations


  • I wish the maps had a player/DM version. I DM online and had to break out my graphics editing software to hide the various DM lables.


  • Our group took 2.5 hours to complete all 4 objectives
  • There's minor discrepancy in Krystaleen's description but honestly you could go with either of the two and it'll be fine. Just keep that in mind when deciding how tough of an encounter you want to make it... DM empowerment and all that

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Michael M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/26/2019 00:27:24

this was a great adventure for my Al playgroup. i love the layout which makes things a lot easier to find mid session. I eally enjoyed the murder mystery style as well as some of the more unique/strange characters the players meet. also the magic item is awesome and all my players freaked out when it was revealed.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Marcello V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/03/2019 19:38:32

I recently had an opprtunity to run this module under APL (Weak) Party; this may be the first time I have run an adventure under the APL. The players had a good time with it, and grew a bit concerned when they arrived at Y's lair, and went inside. It was refreshing to see an ending that didn't have to involve a big ole battle with the big baddie (But I like that you had a sidebar for if "it" did happen). That was my player's bit. As a DM I think I enjoyed two aspects. The most is the synopsis of Skullport. There is enough there that you give players enough from the contents to get a feel for Skullport; some may have not played DotMM, or be familiar with SKullport through other means. Lastly, I enjoyed the NPCs, Frankie, Irontusk, and Artemis?? I think my players enjoyed interacting with them the most-it took up most of our session! A good time was had by players, and by the DM. Good job on this one, Paige and gang!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Thom G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/02/2019 21:01:25

I have both played and run this module. I played it at first and had a great time. I enjoyed the Skullport setting, and learned a lot about it, having never had any experience with the town at all. A then read it and ran it for my normal weekly group. Everyone had a great time and they really enjoyed that there were several options on ways to handle each of the encounters in the module. I also recommend the rest of the Skullport Trilogy. Nice continuation of the story.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Marc G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/19/2019 18:27:00

Absoluetly love this module. My group is super RP heavy and we had alot of fun doing the murder mistery and hunting him down. That being said I do feel like it feels a little weird if it was with a non rp heavy group but that being said I love this module.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Dan S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/11/2019 00:27:29

This module was an absolute blast to DM. My players enjoyed playing a module where they didn't need to do any combat at all. They got to RP their way through the whole thing and make decisions that didn't 100% have an outcome of combat. Thanks for giving us the flexibility to let the characters make their way through the module in the manner they chose to do.

The module felt a tiny bit formulaic to me. There weren't really any red herrings which would lead them into a failed mission. The players still enjoyed it so I can't complain, but it would be good to give us some false paths to let the player's make some bad decisions.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Debit V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/01/2019 14:58:46

I ran this module this last Tuesday evening at Game Kastle Mountain View, my +5 Game Store of Awesome. I had 4 players, all roughly 7th level. Overall, I felt that this was one of the better Season 8 modules -- comparable to the brilliant "Once In Waterdeep" -- & absolutely superior to the "time travel" dreck from Tier 1.

Pros: The mod is mostly well balanced in terms of RP & combat. Any of the encounters can be dealt with in a variety of ways, depending on how your players wish to go about things, & I felt that DM pre-prep was minimal compared to earlier mods. I especially enjoyed RPing the villain at the end; I'd like to see that creature come up again in future mods, it's fun to talk to players like that instead of automatically rolling initiative!

Cons: I'm not sure I'm properly identifying this as a "con" but ... my players finished one of the main objectives & both of the bonus objectives in just over an hour, leaving us 2.5 hours to do the final encounter. Because they had no trouble at all navigating the "challenges" to that point, I ended up throwing in a combat encounter -- a Hobgoblin Warlord, Devastator, & 2 regular Hobgoblins -- which almost turned into a TPK. Even with that & an extended conversation with the Villain, I still wasn't able to extend the session to its allotted 3.5 hours; there just wasn't enough content there to do so. This has been an ongoing issue with me & the official S8 modules, & I hope it can be mitigated in future releases.

The item unlock is awesome :) I'm looking forward to running the next two installments over the next two weeks & hope that this module represents a higher standard of quality we can expect going forward.

Overall grade: A-, definitely recommended.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by David E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/23/2019 08:23:48

To be honest before I ran this adventure I was fully prepared to give it two stars. At first glance there doesn't seem to be a lot going on. Go here, talk to this NPC, go there talk to another NPC, go to the boss have a lovely chat about good and evil, done. It is possible to complete the entire adventure without a single combat through social play or stealth. It is also possible to run this mod with lots of combat. In that way it is a well rounded adventure. Almost any style DM should be able to craft a great story using this mod.

There are still some areas that need improvement, however. There is one area with six traps, but the mod only gives three. I realize that the intent is to allow the DM to craft their own, but I am old and tired and I don't have a lot of time. The author could have given six traps and allowed the DM to craft their own if they wished. My second concern is not about the adventure per se, but about the season 8 format. The sidebar with the three tiers of play makes it difficult for me to find the information. I am constantly thinking to myself, "I know I read that somewhere was it in the main text, the Pillars sidebar or the NPCs page." I would prefer the information in the Pillars sidebar be in the main text.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Roger M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/19/2019 13:35:33

I ran this two days ago. Since it combines a murder mystery with a fifties dectective story (aka a McGuffin hunt) it was easy to run with no changes. You can lead the players by the nose, let them fight or combine the two. Since I do have Mad Mage, and most of the players have played in it, introducing the town was no problem. I did add a quick flameskull battle to warm up the group. The only other combat was a one on one in the Bat's Roost due to fact they failed to get the information with skill checks. Play time was one hour and fifty minutes.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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