Cool little addition. There's some rough translation in some instances. But it's still good to follow and read. I've only used the first basement to add a bit of extra content to the sleeping giant.
Excellent! The published said there's a new version that's been modified by a native english speaker. So one point added to the rating!
Creator Reply: |
Hey Jan,
Thanks for writing.
As you have noticed, English is not my mother language.
After your review, I uploaded a new version of this module edited by a native English speaker.
I think you can download the updates for free.
Please, let me know if you have any further comment / suggestion.
Best Regards,
The idea behind the adventure is really cool. However, the way it's currently set up feels very one solution style. Every other style feels like a really difficult fight or even TPK level.
The map is a nice addition although the corridors are way to small if you'd translate it to the sizes of the creatures, especially the ogre.
The author replied that there's several path's to take. I agree, though I still think there's one that's prefered from within the writing. I've upped the rating one notch :-) However, I still think the BBEG is a bit rough for this level range.
Creator Reply: |
Hi Jan, thanks for the feedback. Honestly I'm pretty confused by your review. The adventure can be tackled in different ways: fighting, infiltrating or diplomacy. Some of these possibilities are also described in the preview. The only case that can result in a TPK is if the characters directly attack the orc camp without a strategy and refuse to retreat. Even in that case, it is clearly written that the characters are captured and not killed. Are all approaches equally effective? Probably not, but I wouldn't find that kind of adventure entertaining. If every choice invariably leads you to victory, the choices are meaningless. |
Read it but did not play unfortunatly. Reason for me was that the bulk of the adventure was based in the same tower.
That would have been a dissapointment for my group.
The story of the adventure is interesting! The first two encounters are very cool!
It could be how I read it, but there I think the ending is a plothole story wise. Combat wise itks a cool ending that got foreshadowed at the start.
Read it, decided not to play with my group. The setup is interesting, it's easy to follow along.
For my group I missed some combat encounters. I know I can play the spirits as combat, but that would result in having the same encounter a few times in the session. A bit like ground hog day ;)
The risk of this adventure is that the adventurers are having a passive role in this adventure. The big reveal or payoff at the end could be stronger I feel.
However, if your group isn't too combat heavy and want an interesting mysterie solving adventure, this is a nice one to try!
I bought it, read it but have not played.
The setting and story of the adventure is cool and off the beaten track. What put me off is the mirrored design of the bathhouse whilst realistic, it comes across as tedious for players. Having to explore the same layout twice to get everyone out.
I also think the bad guy arch and agenda is tough to pick up for the more casual players.
It's a nice adventure with some interesting events happening. The horror theme fits niceley, there's a nice fork in the story. There's 2 or 3 combat's and there's 2 to 3 roleplay events. So that's niceley balanced.
Some world clue's or events are not written in the read aloud parts that could have been in there. This would make the adventure a bit easier to run. But that's nitpicking. The author did a good job and it was an easy prep.
I payed this yesterday with a group that had it's second session of D&D ever. They also play it very casually.
The adventure took us about 2,5 hours. I skipped the asking around part and the guards at the gate encounter. They rushed through two other parts. They did not pick up on all the clue's and story beats. Two of them reflected that they did not feel lile the heroes and were not sure they did the right thing.
For me that was the right feeling they should have at the end, looking at how they rushed through and did not second guess anyhing. ^_^
Its a cool adventure that takes place in a few key locations in the sword coast. However, I feel that the BBEG (a red dragon) and the reward (it's hoard) is not a good match for a party of level 5 adventurers.
Worked like a charm for my colleagues who just wanted to play D&D for one time :-) A lot less information than the standard sheets and that's the point! This way you can have people playing faster, thanks to the explanation of skills.
The intro on dm's guild stated weird things happening in the town. It's too bad that thatks only mentioned in the background story. There's not much description or moments used in this adventure to show and feel how the bbeg are manipulating everything.
The setting, the texts and the multiple endings are a nice touch
found them rather large they cover a lot of screen information. Nice design tho
I ran this adventure for a group that comes together every few months. We play one-shots most of the time and this one seemed to be very interesting. My group was level 2 and consisted of 4 party members.
We had a lot of fun! They quickly had a "sherlock holmes" cap on to solve the mysterie. Coming up with all sorts of difficult questions for me to answer as a DM. "Why is there only one guard if you're afraid the dead?" for instance.
The most important area's of the adventure are well done! There were some small gaps in between those that need to be filled in by the DM. At least for me. It helped me to make connections to the different locations and make it easier to roleplay certain npc's.
The fighter in my party has some difficulty with roleplaying. He said he missed combat in this oneshot. There's only 2 or 3 encounters. For my level 2's they're not that difficult. Except the vampire encounter in the end :) Keep that in mind when playing this oneshot.
Liked it very much! Ran it twice with groups that never played D&D. I think it shows all aspects from D&D. You can use the time up to the dungeon to let them experience RP/social encounters. The Dungeon has the other frequent occuring elements of D&D combat. Surprises, traps and a few types of enemies with their own tactics. Took us around 3 to 4 hours.