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CCC-TRI-10 Contact (Part One of the Beholder Corps Series) $4.99
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CCC-TRI-10 Contact (Part One of the Beholder Corps Series)
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CCC-TRI-10 Contact (Part One of the Beholder Corps Series)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/09/2024 02:04:56

This module was a ton of fun. Roleplaying the Beholder Corps was really funny. It was fun to give them each different voices and personailities. The combats were pretty ridiculous. They could definitely handle being more difficult, especially if you have experienced players whose characters have a lot of magic items, gold, resources, etc. The dungeon crawl portion was fun, and my players loved Kryxaz.

My players had a lot of fun with the puzzles at the end. The time limit wasn't an issue for them, and they managed to get out and escape before suffering any consequences.

Overall, this module was a ton of fun, and I definitely recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-TRI-10 Contact (Part One of the Beholder Corps Series)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jason J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/21/2024 05:12:48

This was fun, yet challenging, to run and play. The fact that the party has to help what it normally a boss monster was fun to through at them, and while the battles can be tough, an experienced team shouldn't have too much trouble. I do regret that there weren't any more in the series to run.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-TRI-10 Contact (Part One of the Beholder Corps Series)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Marcello V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/03/2019 13:18:56
This module has a great story and provides a challenging mixture of encounters. I dont want to spoil anything for players or DM's, but I will say that the designer provides some great narrative that can help DMs present the environments and not make them seem flat. My group found this adventure enjoyable!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-TRI-10 Contact (Part One of the Beholder Corps Series)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Aaron N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2019 17:32:38

CCC-TRI-10 Contact 5/5 stars

Firstly, I love any story that continues subplots from earlier adventures. At least 2 different tie ins to Mulmaster adventures, so a big thumbs up from me. Second, I have grown tired of vampires or mind flayers being the big baddies in Tier 3, so an adventure with duergar and beholders was a lot of fun to DM. Third, the adventure features a good balance of combat and role play opportunities for a group. Lastly, I love the way the monster blocs are laid out! It was so easy to pull minis for the adventure, and then to modify on the fly from Weak to Average as my party cruised through the adventure. My only con is that some modifications had to be made to the stat blocs, but the author has already addressed that in comments so I shall not dwell on it. Due to the puzzles in the module, there is some prep work required ahead of time, so I do not recommend this as an "Adventure Calls" last minute module. If you time to prep, then this can be a very enjoyable adventure to run.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-TRI-10 Contact (Part One of the Beholder Corps Series)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Aaron K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/25/2019 03:55:23

Contact review: A deadly tier 3 adventure, featuring steampunk dwarves that my goliath player had to look up to, floating eyeballs of all kinds and deadly traps (both in combat and out) Story was simple to follow, party gets conscripted to blow up an -REDACTED-1 before -REDACTED-2 can study it and put it to military use. Time wise it's a bit wishy-washy, a hundred years ago -REDACTED-1 ended up in the mountains, and in the last week -REDACTED-3 goes out to get labour to recover it and -REDACTED-2 spots it. What happens in the 90 years and 50 Weeks in between? Did it take -REDACTED-3 that long to get out?

Combat is easily a strong point of the adventure, each one is challenging in it's own way, and not just because of the large HP pool of the enemies (in fact the opposite, for my party they probably could have been upped a bit because of the constant 70-90 damage AoE my playerS could put out - they were well equipped after finishing Tomb of Horrors already) and it also gives you a quick reference block for the encounters - This is extremely handy, no flipping pages while we roll into and get everything sorted out.

Pacing is where I had my hardest time, but i have a solution if I run it again. My party wanted to have long rest after every encounter and I really had no reason to say no other than throwing more monsters at them. Next time I will have the -REDACTED-2 be not far behind, within eyesight so that when they want to rest, they see them approaching them with overwhelming force (maybe a few archmage).

Puzzle: My players didn't finish the puzzle. They were close, and the wizard cast slow on the -REDACTED-1 so I gave them an extra 3 minutes. They were on puzzle 5 and almost had it but the battleship puzzle was barely half done. I personally done both puzzles blind and took 23 minutes solo for all 5 numbers and 17 minutes for the battleship, so it is doable.

Overall a very enjoyable experience, even if it took 9 hours for my group (7 players, some inexperienced) and looking forward to the next installment... War is comming

--1 alien space ship --2 Thayans --3 Ship Commander

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-TRI-10 Contact (Part One of the Beholder Corps Series)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Benjamin S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/27/2019 09:14:35

Fun and quite challenging adventure. Tough encounters. Sinister traps. And deadly puzzles. Even the most hardened tier III party is going to have to work for this one. (My party wasn't that hardened. I ended up dialing back the harder encounters. And they were still sweating it). I like off-beat "hooks" and a mysterious meeting with Mulmaster's infamous Beholder Corps is a fun way to kick it off.

My session ended with a ticking-clock countdown to the last second (complete with "10, 9, 8...") as the players raced to complete the final fiendish puzzle and prevent their certain destruction. Good times.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-TRI-10 Contact (Part One of the Beholder Corps Series)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ricky-James L. N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/31/2018 23:18:05

Great and unique adventure, having a deadly difficulty is a great touch for overpowered and cocky parties. The physical puzzles are tonnes of fun and give better replayability! highly recommended.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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