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The Night of the Rise - Adventure
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Joel K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/07/2019 01:03:22

Just played this with my group. We all enjoyed it!

  • Non-combat. It's refreshing to see adventures that don't focus on combat. This adventure has the potential for combat, but sly parties can avoid it.
  • Unique ideas. It's a cleverly-written scenario that encourages various hi-jinks while still remaining plausible.
  • Excellent maps. In colour, black-and-white, and in high enough res for digital tabletops.
  • Value for Money. $5 will buy you a session that should last at least three hours. (My group probably took about five.)
  • Setting-Neutral. Fits into most any campaign setting.
  • Broad Level Scaling. The adventure is recommended for levels 1 through 6 but the enemies don't change to match. This isn't too much of a problem as combat is not the optimal solution. But it could make combat lethal for level 1s or trivial for level 6s. A good DM can compensate by adjusting enemy types and numbers; but DMs should be aware they may need to do this.
  • Slightly Overpriced. Given the length of this adventure I feel it should've been about $1 cheaper to be more competitively priced with alternatives. However that does not go against my "value for money" point above.
  • Slightly Odd Formatting. A few minor typos, seemingly arbitrary use of formatting, and slightly non-optimal organistion make this document slightly more difficult to parse than most.
Things to Note
  • Risky This adventure could be completed various ways but most fun will be extracted if the players choose one particular path. If your group doesn't pick up on the clues, or decides they don't want to go that path, the adventure loses much of its charm. (Not that this is necessarily a problem. It's just something a buyer should be aware of.)

An excellent adventure for DMs to have in their back pocket. It makes a great change from dungeon-crawls and monster-mashes and it has a fun premise that players will enjoy. Just be mindful that, as DM, you may need to tweak NPC quantity and type to better balance difficulty.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Night of the Rise - Adventure
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Adaptable NPCs
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Joel K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/19/2019 05:55:07

There's a certain type of problem I run into as DM quite a bit. I need an NPC to fill a role, but the ones presented in the Monster Manual aren't quite right. They're too weak or too powerful, or they don't quite have the flavour I'm after.

That's the problem Adaptable NPCs solves. It has a variety of NPCs from drunken tavern-brawlers right up to supernaturally powerful plane-hopping entities. Each is documented mechanically and lore-wise, with full-colour art for each. And these aren't just themed bags of hit-points with AC and an attack or two: each NPC has interesting abilities or features congruent with its nature.

I can see this book saving me quite a lot of time. Making a custom NPC or even tweaking an existing one takes time. With this book I'll need to do that less. That saved time will add up.

More than just NPCs, this book contains eight adventures. They're on the simple side, but they're designed either to fill in between other material or serve as a base for greater things. All of them feature NPCs found in the book. As a DM it's always handy to have some "backup" adventures ready.

Adaptable NPCs is a excellent resource for any DM.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Adaptable NPCs
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The Wild Sheep Chase - A Single-Session Adventure
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Joel K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/28/2018 21:55:49

As DM, I was running a bit behind on creating an adventure, so I used this for "filler" rather than postponing the session. It worked perfectly for that purpose. It's easy to understand and run. It's a creative adventure away from the "typical" dungeons or bandit camps. It has an endearing charm in its characters and plot points.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Wild Sheep Chase - A Single-Session Adventure
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