I've backed this on KS, but haven't had the chance to play it yet. What sold me was the ease of creating a character (choose an archetype and a job/identity based on your chosen setting - street, supernatural, futurist or cosmic - a role in your team - they too come as setting archetypes - and 1-3 powers, personalize your choices a la Apocalypse playbooks, and voila!) as well as the numerous world-building tools you get to fill-out with your players, either beforehand or through discovery by going through the adventures provided for all settings, all of which will remind you of classic superheroes tropes. Since much is customizable, including the villains, there's a lot of replay value here. I use that term on purpose, because with all the cards used to play, as well as the set advancement limit (after a number of games your character will retire, although it might not mean he won't come back in another form), Spectaculars has a strong boardgamish feel to it.
As for mechanics, its also quite easy. Roll percentile dice equal or below a set number (from 90 to 50%) provided by your ID or your Powers, add Advantage and/or Challenge dice to see if you get a Boon or a Drawback as well and that's it. Combat uses Initiative cards shuffled each round and damage is your dice roll substracted from your Resistance (this is the only thing i'm a bit worried about since you only have 100 of those, so a couple of hits will knock you out, although it resets each new scene.) You will also have to thwart Villain's objectives and stop Complications from progressing during each scenario, gaining hero points to help you along. Outside of combat, you have Interludes to deal with personal stuff - each character has Aspirations and Turmoils just for that. Success in the adventure means personal and team progress and eventually story rewards, which range from extra hero/resistance points to new powers/costume/HQ/Fame or, after a while, retirement (in a number of delightful ways) and possibly a new Origin (you are encouraged to experience every setting with a new character, even every adventure if you want to, especially if you use the suggested random ID/powers choice. In fact, they recommend not to have two PCs with the same ID/Powers or Role during a single session, so as to not steal each other's thunder.
To go with all of that, there's a good section about GMing the game and building your setting.
Our group has converted our Smallville PCs, which I felt where the best candidates to do that with, seeing how both games are very cinematic, to Spectaculars and I'm looking forward to giving it a spin next week.
The only other negative point at this time, with only the PDF available, is that you might need to print a lot of things in order to play, which might put off some people.