While I must admit I've only played the first two T1 modules of the Border Kingdom series, DM'ing this was a bit of a dissapointment
The typical adventure hook of your party being in a tavern or inn seems to be the hook of the this series, which is a tad sad as there are no true trilogies.
Regardless, this adventures has it's highs and lows, with only being 20 pages long if you include the front and back page, it's got the shaping a little classic 4 hours dungeon problem.
But the fact that there aren't any encounter balance recommendations to the encounters, the only real threatening aspects of this are bad dice rolls.
I will say, with the correct DM in a theater of mind like setting you can blow some life into it, but other than that, it's up side is the somewhat challenging map, even if the encounters aren't.
You spend more time thinking about your position in tight corridors, more so than what to do in the encounters.