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CCC-GHC-BK1-05 For the Glory of Bloutar! $4.99
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CCC-GHC-BK1-05 For the Glory of Bloutar!
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CCC-GHC-BK1-05 For the Glory of Bloutar!
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Aaron B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/14/2024 11:55:54

I ran this for my local AL group. This is a very fun adventure with some devious traps that kept my party on their toes the entire way through. I made some minor tweaks to the combats, but mostly cosmetic changes and I think running everything as written would absolutely be fine. The final battle features some monsters that I have not seen before in other AL modules that are delightful and terrifying. Overall the module is very well written and provides good direction on how to manage the different encounters and the difficulty is reasonable without being overwhelming.

My only complaint is that the puzzle near the end is not really solvable without rolling high enough on a couple of checks--there isn't really enough information presented to be able to work out what the answer is supposed to be if the PCs fail to hit the DCs and essentially get stuck unless the DM just gives them the answer. If I were to run this again (and I probably will!) I would probably rework this in some way, but other than this one fairly small element, everything else is extremely well done and I would highly recommend.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GHC-BK1-05 For the Glory of Bloutar!
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ed S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/07/2020 17:02:08

I have run this adventure three times since it's premier at GHC 2018 and found it challenging without being overwhelming, as long as the party works together. It is heavy combat and exploration, with some role play in spots.

There are a couple small modifications that I did for flavor and challenge, like adding a couple wights at the end of the entrance hall to peg the first characters who cross the obstacle. I would also suggest having the zombies come out after the party passes their cubby to keep them from escaping back up the ramp. I also think Petal makes more sense as a centaur because centaurs are mentioned in the story, so I have run it that way. I get what was trying to be done, but anything else seemed out of place.

This was my favorite Border Kingdoms adventure from GHC 2018 out of the 4 that I ran, I highly recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GHC-BK1-05 For the Glory of Bloutar!
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by GOH K. W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/16/2019 06:53:25

A quest by the scion of a fallen barony to reclaim the crown of his famous kinsman, which leads to a ruin that has been infested with undead. 'Tis a simple, yet compelling hook, and one that hints at the darker powers that remain at the call of the Black Wyvern's dark master.

The traps and puzzles in the ruins are pretty clever, and seem to have been designed in such a way as to troll players ("You're not jumping over this gap!") without being overly deadly. I did have to tweak the [REDACTED] to "allow safe passage to those bearing symbols of [REDACTED], as asking for alignment would have been too obvious (this is from an AL perspective, so we won't always have the same players).

Format wise, the module document is quite clearly written I like how the module points out suggested encounters for the trek to the ruins (in the event that time is a concern). One gripe is that they didn't include the Archer stats in the Creature Statistics section - DMs might wish to send the guide into (ranged) combat as backup for weaker parties (and not have to check elsewhere to do so).

Highly recommend this mod, and would definitely run it again.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GHC-BK1-05 For the Glory of Bloutar!
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by seth p. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/03/2019 20:42:29

I have run this twice, once at a con, and another time at a store games day, both times it ran well and right on time. I would describe this as the best homage to a 2E dungeon crawl that punishes playing it like a 2E dungeon crawl. If anything, it felt like an homage to the classic old school modules with the right 5E flair. The traps are excellent and devious and the table enjoyed the failures of falling into them. The final scene was an excellent conclusion and the tables loved the build up to it.

That said, pay close attention to the party strength and be ready to balance it on the fly to keep it fun. I had to skip one encounter and change up the final scene to keep the weak party I ran this with at a con from getting destroyed. As it was, it took some really good strategic thinking by the Players to get out of the adventure without any one shelling out for raise dead.

We are currently doing a mini campaign of the Border Kingdoms and so far all the modules have delivered and been quite fun.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GHC-BK1-05 For the Glory of Bloutar!
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by fenway j. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/13/2018 19:13:35

Very difficult module, but very fun. The traps and story make this adventure unique. It will take a decent amount of prep but it is well worth it. This works as a standalone or as part of the story line.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GHC-BK1-05 For the Glory of Bloutar!
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Daniel E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/13/2018 18:51:20

If you hate a challenge, don't play this module. However, if you have a ranger with forest as favored terrain, this module will be seriously fun for you. I really enjoyed this module, somewhat because the premise wasn't overly complicated. Quest guy says "go find my grandpappy's magic helmet so I can legitimize my claim to his lineage. Also, the forest it's in is spooky and dangerous." It was a lot of fun to go do the thing you were paid to do without the whole world being on the line, and there were sufficient options to keep replayability high. I recommend this one strongly

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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