A quest by the scion of a fallen barony to reclaim the crown of his famous kinsman, which leads to a ruin that has been infested with undead. 'Tis a simple, yet compelling hook, and one that hints at the darker powers that remain at the call of the Black Wyvern's dark master.
The traps and puzzles in the ruins are pretty clever, and seem to have been designed in such a way as to troll players ("You're not jumping over this gap!") without being overly deadly. I did have to tweak the [REDACTED] to "allow safe passage to those bearing symbols of [REDACTED], as asking for alignment would have been too obvious (this is from an AL perspective, so we won't always have the same players).
Format wise, the module document is quite clearly written I like how the module points out suggested encounters for the trek to the ruins (in the event that time is a concern). One gripe is that they didn't include the Archer stats in the Creature Statistics section - DMs might wish to send the guide into (ranged) combat as backup for weaker parties (and not have to check elsewhere to do so).
Highly recommend this mod, and would definitely run it again.