This is the finale of the Border Kingdoms T2 trilogy, where the party makes a stand against the Black Wyvern and his forces.
The descriptions of the two entrances to the cellar under the Gryphon's Head Inn could be clearer; there should be labels on the map as to which entrance is from the hearth, and which is from the stairs. It is also quite possible for the players to screw themselves out of the secondary objectives and the item - if they end up provoking and (re-)killing Rymdyl, they do not (as written) seem to get the crystal that is the "Heart of the Tower", which is needed to reconstitute the tower and save Rymdyl.
The two paths to the tower seem like encounters to pad the module. The choice of an elder oblex for the Shadow Path is somewhat questionable, as it is not in a good position to really make use of its strengths.
The final part of the module is the Tower fight, and it does provide a glorious payoff, as the players attempt the ritual to rebuild the tower (if they have the Heart) and then defend it from the Black Wyvern's strike force. It's an uphill battle against a (hopefully) fortified position, except that it's the party that's holding off the invaders. It's a bit puzzling that the Black Wyvern himself is less resilient than most of his force, though; my players were surprised when he actually fell before his allies.
A generally satisfying finish to the trilogy, with a hint at more to come. Definitely needs some tweaking before running, though.