5 intro adventures that, to me, feel more like a low level epilogue to Hoard of the Dragon Queen instead of an intro to Storm King's Thunder.
5 "1 hour" adventures that take 5-8 hours to run in total.
Mission 01
Fun & well written. Players seem to really like the unique (absurd?) creatures they have to fight. The story award is absolutely wonderful! 5/5
Mission 02
Starts with an encounter made very hectic due to unclear terrain, a fun social encounter, and an appropriately challenging riddle encounter. 4/5
Mission 03
This mission is good, other than the final encounter being far too deadly for what is almost assuredly a party of all 1st level characters. Lost of deaths reported here, but all in all well done. 4/5
Mission 04
First encounter is nothing unique & as expected. Then everything goes to hell. I've DMed this three times and played it twice and every time the party bogs down here. The clues of what to do are far too hidden, the terrain is incredibly confusing, and a new/risk adverse party may never figure out the solution. In my experience Mission 03 takes twice as long as any of the others. 2.5/5
Mission 05
If your party is melee heavy, the first encounter gets ugly fast. (My fighter missed with both thrown handaxes, and then used Help for 7 rounds cause he had no range.) Other than that, a good Mission with a fun Story Award and a satisfying conclusion. 4/5