A fun pile of 5 quick one shots. A great way to introduce new players to the game. The module with the wild magic is a lot of fun.
FIVE OUT OF FIVE. My favorite module. An honest to goodness MYSTERY. Rewards clever characters and players. Makes skill monkeys shine but still leaves plenty of good combat for the action oriented. The drop is highly sought after so there's always someone looking to go back and revisit this module. BUY IT NOW
IF your party just wades in, they're gonna have a bad time. So I appreciate that this module makes the party think of another solution. Really experienced players can even find ways to make sure that they never enter combat and that's truly rare in a module.
The magic item is a huge hit for lots of different builds. This one is a solid 5/5 from me!
A great module for introducing new players to D&D as there's a great balanace of roleplay, puzzle, and combat. The Monster mixes based on party level and certain choices vary GREATLY so you'll have any one of a dozen mixes of enemies in the last combat and the monster stat blocks at the end are quite numerous because of it.
Really like the Story Award!!
Setting is great, story is fun but there's WAY too much here to run it in 2 hours. This is not a module that will be easy to run without some prep to get everything laid out.
CHOOSE SIDES. MOUNTED COMBAT. This module has stuff that you don't get to see much and is a great module to have in your hip pocket!
Good as part of the Hillsfar arc, but this individual installment suffers from feeling like a super-straight line railroad. My party put out Herculean efforts and felt super betrayed when the pre-scripted ambush finally took them down.
The Arena is unique and most players really enjoy it.
Like all of the multi-part DDIAs, about 3 of the 5 mini-adventures are a blast. One is a bit boring, and one is just confusing as all get out.
That said, if your party can get themselves pointed in the right direction, the individual challenges are pretty fun.
Ran this for my normal group because the warlock really wanted the RotPK +2... It only cost him his brain. :D Seriously, for a party that's not used to plane-shifting, psychic-damage dealing, brain-eating enemies, this is a fun module with a couple fights that will kick them in the pants!
Don't confuse this for a DDIA. It may have an 01 numbering but it is a buzzsaw for all level 1s. Works great at intended Average Party level!
The perfect module if your players actually want to roleplay for a change! I enjoy watching players come up with new and inventive ways to tackle the obstacles all over town.
Sneak through, Deceive, or kick in the doors and murder-hobo all the way. This module gives a party so many options. How do you want to do this?
Short, sweet, and a lot of fun. Great module for introducing players to the weird that is The Underdark.
A fun module. As others have said, completely able to turn this into an all social, no combat module (that's not a bad thing)
A varied and interesting module. Still a few editing errors in the module (the bad guy's stat block) but good on the whole. Always enjoy a module with a Secret Mission in it. :)