This is a fantastic product! The starter adventures are fun. The rules are clear. My only complaint is the introduction of the bonus/penalty dice system - which I despise and refuse to use. It is clearly a blatant "copy" of the advantage/disadvantage system from 5e. However, its implementation is messy. And it is illogical. If you really really really want to allow a player to reroll dice... than just let them reroll both d10's. Why muddy it up with reroling only the 10's of the d100? But an even bigger question: why do it all? If something is easier for the investigater to do, then just give them -10% or -20% to their chances of succeeding. If its harder, put a +10% or +20% on their dice rolls. This way the modifier is representive of the difficulty of the task. Rerolling is just giving more chances. Why not 3 rerolls? Why not 4, 5, 6? It makes just as much sense. The bonus/penalty dice system was a big silly mistake for 7th edition and I hope to never see it again in an otherwise perfect game system.