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Kill Sector Core Rulebook
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Kill Sector Core Rulebook
Publisher: Bahunga Worldwide
by Living [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/07/2024 20:54:14

Last year I was in search of a new system to try after becoming sick of 5th Edition D&D and looking to branch out into new things. After more than a year of playing with this system and nothing else, I can honestly say I've found my dream TTRPG and will hopefully continue playing this wonderful game for years to come.

Where to start? The amusing artwork was one of the first things that drew me in, and inside the book you can find more of the same amazing and hilarious art, with more contributed by other members of the Kill Sector community in some of the other supplements.

The game mechanics put a strong emphasis on combat, and are easy to learn for beginners to tabletop games and trivial to understand if you've played any game in the D&D sphere. Despite this, there's plenty of innovation to be had. As opposed to using levels and classes, characters are given a set amount of points to build their characters by shopping through the literal thousands of 'functions' you can give your character, with many powers, weapons, and abilities you can pair together, with a functionally infinite number of playstyles and builds you can drop into a session.

It's shocking how it manages to be both very easy to grasp but infinitely deep. You could easily build a character in about 10 minutes, or (as I have) spend days thinking over the perfect way to balance those ten points you're given to make a really creative build. I've got folders full of builds saved on my computer, which is constantly growing due to just how fun it is to make a character in Kill Sector. You could play -- without homebrewing or going outside the rules -- a sentient go-kart with a minigun that can turn invisible. Parties of Kill Sector gladiators tend to be wild combinations of characters that are instantly memorable and fun to play.

On the other side of the screen, the GM is offered the same benefits -- the game is easy to run but still capable of insane levels of variety and customization if one desires. Kill Sector places an emphasis on one-shots over long-form campaigns, which offers a much greater freedom when it comes to designing a session, as well as freeing everyone up from the expectation of finding a schedule to play once a week for several months to get through a campaign. Despite this, Kill Sector is infinitely replayable, and once you've tried a one-shot, you'll be eager to build a character for the next one, or design the next arena for the other players to fight in. The game is far easier to run than anything else I've tried, and offers lots of GM advice and good ideas to make sure your session is balanced and fun.

If you're hungry for more content aside from the thousands of options already available in just the Core Rulebook, there's several supplement books for Kill Sector available and regular releases of a quarterly zine that offers thousands of more choices, created by both the developers and the community.

The best part of all of this? Kill Sector is PWYW, and completely free if you don't have any money to spend. The fact that a game of this quality is able to be enjoyed for completely free is hard to wrap my head around, but I'd still recommend throwing some money their way anyways just for the sake of it.

This game is alive and well, and I'd recommend joining the Discord community after you check out the PDFs, where you can chat with the devs and all the other fans of this game. You can also check out all the new releases and content put out for the game the moment it gets released, so check that out too!

Highly, highly recommend giving this game a shot if you're even the slightest bit curious. I can't sing this game's praises loud enough.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kill Sector Core Rulebook
Publisher: Bahunga Worldwide
by Scott G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/18/2022 08:11:09

I've been playing in or running Kill Sector for a couple of years now. I think it's a fantastic sandbox system which emphasises tactics and unpredictable, very deadly combat. It fits one-shots best, but longer stories with character growth over time is also feasible. Creating a first character can seem overwhelming as it's a point-buy system with over 1000 options, but that's also what's cool about it. Although some setting info and modules exist, it's really more of a universal platform for character creation. I'm using it as a basis for developing fandom and genre games; I simply cut away the parts that I don't need, and everything that remains works. Tyson and Noah have been amazing about in how they frequently rebalance functions, add new features, and support the community -- all this for the whopping price of free.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kill Sector Core Rulebook
Publisher: Bahunga Worldwide
by Daniel O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/07/2022 06:41:52

A great piece of fun and madness, with some slight caveats for those going in unprepared:

  • The game is advertized as an RPG, but I'd say it#s more of a middle-ground between a RPG and a cooperative skirmish game (and you could use it as a full skirmish game with little issue). Then again one might argue that many RPG sessions eventually turn into a cooperative skirmish game, so what do I know. Just don't expect a "traditional" RPG.
  • The art is certainly unconventional, but I'd say it fits the game perfectly. It's like a child's fever dream involving action figures and way too much power metal
  • I hope you're not prone to option paralysis when creating characters. This is the most front-loaded RPG games I've ever seen. The actual rules take up just a handful of pages. Pretty much everything else is character options, and all the supplements add even more stuff on top of it.

Now, if you wanna make a gonzo gladiator teeming up with fellow weirdoes to blast the crap out of robots, monsters and mutants for fun and profit, this might just be the game for you. As mentioned above the game has a lot of character options. Some are simple weapons or stat boosters, while others are so elaborate you could build several character concepts around them. The game really encourages you to come up with crazy concepts and see how much havoc they can cause.

A neat thing about building characters is that it is very easy - and heavily encouraged - to write down the "recipe" for the character, listing all the options and modifications chosen to build the character. This additional bit of transparency makes it a lot easier to understand how the whole process works, and the vast majority of premade characters in both this book and the supplement come with their recipe. Another cool thing is how easy it is to convert characters to one of the two power levels: PC (for not just the player characters, but also major opponents and of course bosses) and NPC (for most antagonists and the occasional minions a PC might've purchased). The difference is mostly that NPCs have lower base stats, and it is once again encouraged (and usually also practiced with the example characters) to write down two stat lines for both the PC and NPC version of a character. Though the math is easiy enough to convert this on the fly, it's pretty convenient to be able to use any character for both power levels, making every grunt a potential PC, or every PC build you've made or found into an opponent.

The default way of play is geared more towards one-off sessions, where the players fight their way through a gauntlet of multiple waves of opponents, culminating in a boss fight. This structure of play kinda reminds me of Japanese tabletop RPGs (particularly Double Cross), minus the mandatory investigation and roleplay bits between the set piece battles. You can of course run a campaign around multiple gauntlets. Character advancement can be handled pretty flexible in this case. Maybe there is no advancement at all. Maybe completing a gauntlet grants everyone more points to slap even more options onto their characters. Or maybe you're running a troupe style play, where every character has a roster of different characters which may or may not have different point values (or multiple versions of the same character).

The game can also be run in a player versus player mode, essentially turning it into a skirmish game. You could easily convert your favorite arena shooter.

Fluff is pretty light, but the general implied setting is that of a gonzo sci-fi universe where professional asskickers compete in televised gauntlets for fame and fortune. It's a bit like professional wrestling meets Takeshi's Castle - except there is no kayfabe, and all the "obstacles" are critters that want to kick your ass.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kill Sector Core Rulebook
Publisher: Bahunga Worldwide
by Balrog B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/28/2022 17:10:48

So. Kill Sector! It's a fun little game. You can make anything you want, make them fight anything you want, and that's about it. Yeah. But! What is the best part of this here game, is the "actually playing it" part. Roleplay! Interact with goobers similar to you and their crazy-ass characters! And kick all kinds of asses with them, be they biological, mechanical, demonic, otherwordly, or what have you, your rust-inducing chainsaw arm and crudely-made sawn-off shotgun are rated E for Everyone. Heavy recommend you get it. I played it once and I had an absolute BLAST with it, and making my character (tall shark person with a fuckhuge scythe) was one of the highlights. Recommend it to your buddies also! It's extremely newbie friendly, and as such, there's no real need to worry about learning the rules because, as Noah themself said, "it's so easy that you'll learn them on the fly!" 10/10

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kill Sector Core Rulebook
Publisher: Bahunga Worldwide
by bobby j. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/18/2020 19:35:28

First off this is a unique game i enjoy all the mechanics and how they mesh my only real problem is the lack of any info on running the game as a campaign vs just using it for pretty much a wargame the games aesthetic may rub some people the wrong way but i love it, the artstyle slaps

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hey, Bobby! Thank you for your feedback. We actually just updated the core rulebook with - among many, many other things - some information for running a campaign. Check it out!
Kill Sector Core Rulebook
Publisher: Bahunga Worldwide
by Matthew S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2019 20:28:40

System is okay, very bare-bones. It looks as if the authors of this "book," let their toddlers draw the artwork and called it a day. Definitely not worth the ten dollars, it is being sold for, this is at best a $5 monstrosity if not a bargain bin, $1-$3 item.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hey, Matt - thank you for your honest feedback! We've actually just released a major update to the book, which hopefully addresses your concerns. This includes - among many other things - clarifications for many of the rules, a more robust rules system, much cleaner formatting, new and updated art by Noah Eadie, and even some example characters made by guest artists. We've nearly doubled the size of the core rulebook tackling the exact issues you brought up - in many ways, it's practically a completely different book. If it's still not your cup of tea, that's totally understandable, but it might be worth giving us a second look!
Kill Sector Core Rulebook
Publisher: Bahunga Worldwide
by Vitold H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/16/2019 13:45:53

Simple, if anything more of a tabletop strategy game. Character creation intersting

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kill Sector Core Rulebook
Publisher: Bahunga Worldwide
by Kevin M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/19/2018 16:58:01

A pleasure of a game! allows extremely flexible roleplay and storytelling, short burst campaigns and easily digestible rules makes it extremely accessible for fun with anyone interested in roleplaying!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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