TLDR: Coins of the Realms easily gets a solid 5/5.
This resource is the perfect way to add a little bit more immersion to the locale your group is adventuring in. Sometimes the best way to make a far away kingdom feel alien or give a huge metropolis an imperial motif is to flavor the mundane items everybody sees regularly, and this adds that flavor to money in spades. This is super effective if you're running a campaign that takes place in different realms or involves several governments or factions - one of the first things your players will have to do is figure out the currency system in place when they travel somewhere, and that alone is enough to make a new region feel extremely foreign.
The information included covers everything from types of alternative money (with lore and local slang for it) to gods and goddesses that deal with the economy and coin-based monsters that can be run to spice up encounters involving merchants or treasure hordes; and the author has nicely presented all of it in easy to understand and well-organized tables and text blocks.
This booklet could easily pass off as part of an official WoTC release between the overall look of the product and the length and depth of the lore included for something as basic as money. The price being asked is more than reasonable for a release of this quality and, as one of the staples of a good release, a printer-friendly version is included for those of us who aren't operating a commercial-grade press in our basement.