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ZETH-02 Six Striking Swords (CCC-HAL-02) $4.99
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ZETH-02 Six Striking Swords (CCC-HAL-02)
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ZETH-02 Six Striking Swords (CCC-HAL-02)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Adam G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/30/2022 14:35:46

This adventure (along with the first part of the trilogy) does a great job of setting the scene of the numerous drow houses and their infighting, and provides an exciting heist for the players. The fact that the adventures in this trilogy all have interlinking "story codes" to inform you of the players' actions in the previous adventure makes the whole trilogy feel really alive.

In terms of gameplay, this module is fairly combat light (although does have options to include more) but the final fight at the end has a fun little twist to it rather than being a traditional fight to the death.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for taking the time to review!
ZETH-02 Six Striking Swords (CCC-HAL-02)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Calvin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2021 14:51:41

This adventure takes place some time after the first one so if you are planning to run them immediately after each other you will need to adjust a few story-telling points but it won't affect the mechanics if it takes place weeks after the first adventure rather than years. The look into Drow society and psychology offer a better and more subtle approach than the traditional "Dark elves BAD(except for the really famous good ones) and instead engages the party with an individual and how their choices impact and shape the world around them. As is common with this author's work there are many paths to a successful ending, each with its own consequences.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
The original concept was for this to take place some years after the first one, but time runs funny in AL, with everything happening kinda simultaneously. Sounds like the adjustments weren't too hard to make, so all good! Thanks for the review.
ZETH-02 Six Striking Swords (CCC-HAL-02)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Lance C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/26/2020 23:13:58

I really enjoyed running this series. I would recommend making sure to read all three adventures before running any of them. Also, some of my players were not as fond of it because they needed more of a good versus evil. These mods are more realistic. They exist in the gray area. The adventurers are entwined in a situation where there is no truly good side. It was a nice change.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ZETH-02 Six Striking Swords (CCC-HAL-02)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mallaz N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/16/2019 22:45:52

First time I've run a good Season 8 module in a while. Loved the story line, could have been a little better worded for descriptions of the areas of the House of Vith'tyl for when the infiltrator went inside, as it was harder to describe the area by extracting informaiton from the DM's descriptions. The latter part of the module involving the ceremonial pool proved to be a good challenge to my players who normally solve puzzles very quickly. The only recommendation I have for the puzzle is that they found it hard to understand what parts of the puzzle went where, a clearer idea or method of showing the players what they need to accomplish could help a lot. I found the stat blocks to be very well made, I'd suggest having the helltouched warlocks have their helltouched features that were presented earlier in the module right in their stat block for ease and less referencing.

Currently my favourite module to run!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hi, thanks for running the adventure and taking the time to leave the review! Unfortunately the AL template rules prevent us from integrating adjustments right into the creature's stat block, so that is no something I have control over. If you end up running the companion adventure Six Swords Unbound, you'll find lots of details on the Vith'tyl manor, you're welcome to use these if you ever rerun these ones. I'll see if any of details can be integrated right into the mod when I do the next update. Thanks again!
ZETH-02 Six Striking Swords (CCC-HAL-02)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Wrich P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/06/2019 14:45:27

Due to my generally poor attitude about season 8, I actually let these two mods slip by, without realizing they had been released.

Just goes to show you that you should never toss the baby out with the bathwater.

This mod is packed with interesting story points, characters and a challenging adventure. As I have said about the first one, it really reads like a great story with involved plots and subplots, allowing you to make it as deep as your players want to go.

The author has taken care to add extra touches to help make this mod, and it's twin something your players will remember as a series of great sessions of DnD.

Highest recomendation.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks once again for the praise and coming back to the adventure series and returning to review! These were the last of my adventures in the pre-S8 format, but I am working hard to bring the same sensibilities to the new format, while taking advantage of some of the flexibility that the S8 format offers for different gameplay pillars.
ZETH-02 Six Striking Swords (CCC-HAL-02)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2018 21:05:52

Another fun module! I really liked the first one as well as this one. I will be DM'ing #3 hopefully next weekend, and look forwards to the next series of modules! The flavor of the NPC's really adds to this!

A good mixture of roleplaying, combat, and exploration.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Great you enjoyed it and thanks for stopping by to leave a review - hopefully the conclusion goes well!
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