Well, ahoy maties? Dark Shadows on the Isle of Breezes is 57 pages of PDF that I am sorry to say I would not have bought had I but known about the fluff? You know, poor to middling art as handouts, low end maps by today?s standard and a ?generic game system? that make up dang close to 55% of the module. Realize that (not counting the cover) the adventure background starts on page 5 and the wrap up is on page 19 so you end up with 15 pages of adventure and 6 pages of maps (some redundancy here as several maps are included in the text of the adventure). Page 20 has an Encounter summery chart of dubious value and pages 21 to 37 hold a cast of characters in Grinning Goblin?s ?generic? system. One per page? At the end there are 3 pages of D&D 3e stats for the encounters.
I find it hard to believe the price they are asking for this. I would have rated this higher if I had paid a buck or less for it?
<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The adventure is salvageable once you get past the somewhat clunky beginning. However, anyone who has an established nautical campaign will need to re-write much of the adventure (particularly the first encounter and the second half) to suit tastes and abilities. But once started properly the adventure should roll fairly well. Some good ideas show up in this adventure.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Fluff, fluff and more fluff. Some astonishingly lame sound files and really poor execution.
The layout bothers me a lot and is designed to waste toner/ink and paper. The double columns and their margins are all crammed into ? of the available page. All the pages are toned and so is some of the text (Why? Why? Why?). What is worse GG has locked down the file so you cannot copy and paste it to another program, change it to a more printer friendly format or otherwise edit the file in any way save to print it.
Speaking of editing - a copy editor could have caught some of the typos, incorrect word usage and awkward phrases.
The multi-media sound files are ridiculous. If I actually used them in a game my players would look at me like I was daft.
<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Poor<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br>