Quick summary. The content material of this book is very good for any pirate or seafaring campaign. The delivery of this material however, is poor. Go on and read a different review now.
I cannot give a good rating to a product that has no page numbers for starters. That makes a mess when assembling the book printed out on both sides of paper (or whatever, this complaint does not even merit justification). The table for ship feats contradicts the text explaining when does a ship gain a new feat. How much experience is required to gain a ship level? Not stated. Then there are the typos (inexcusable at an age of automatic spell checking), and an instance of incomplete text where a sentence neither starts, nor ends (can you say cut and paste?). But of course there are no page numbers so I can't say on which page this occurs (actually, it's at the bottom of the page explaining fire damage, see how practical page numbers are?)
Finally there is not one good explanation or example for maneuvering during a battle. Does my ship get to use the broadside or aft weapons in this round? What about the enemy? What weapons will the enemy ship be able to fire this round?
I advise the publisher to correct this pdf and re post it because it has an obvious rushed-no-proof-reading-cut/paste look to it.
<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Props on all the drawings. Very good illustrations. Interesting historical references make it an enjoyable read.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: See above.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Disappointing<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br>