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The Blasphemies of Bor Bwalsch $1.99
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The Blasphemies of Bor Bwalsch
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The Blasphemies of Bor Bwalsch
Publisher: Schwalb Entertainment
by Mark M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/15/2019 00:32:21

5 Freshly Shucked Skeletons out of 5

In the festering tradition of the 3rd edition BOOK OF VILE DARKNESS (and the evil it contained which was so unbound that it caused people to cancel their Dragon Magazine subscriptions) slouches THE BLASPHEMIES OF BOR BWALSCH, a slew of unmitigated dark magical unpleasantness from the fevered brow of the Demon Lord himself, Rob Schwalb.

These spells are perfectly balanced (Rob was on the 5e design team after all) but the ghastly flavour will have your players shrieking in alarm and you in vague need of a shower after unleashing this corruscating weirdness. Come for the promise of evil spells that will catch your players unawares, stay for the corpse bombs.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Blasphemies of Bor Bwalsch
Publisher: Schwalb Entertainment
by Adrian M. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/01/2019 09:36:25

This is a very nice supplement, and it delivers exactly what it promises: spells for D&D 5e. Nasty ones at that. Anyone familiar enough with Shadow of the Demon Lord will recognize the tone and flavor of most of the spells presented here. They work nicely for a hag/necromancer/lich or other nasty villain. Players' faces when they can't find the spell in their PHB is priceless! 5/5 would recommend.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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