THWG has a smoth running cinematic style of a game here. I own just about all of their titles. This one is easy to own 'cause it is FREE! Give it a try.
Spycraft 2.0 is modern d20 at its best. The book is more like a huge toolkit that provides for your every need.
I love TORG! It is still on my all time top 5 lsit of rpgs. The gam ystem is sound and even better with the revised edition of the game.
Sword and blaster adventures on the red planet! As a fan of ERB's Martian Tales I can say that this book is everything I thought it would be and more.
Who does'nt like playing a OAD&D Halfling? This is a great write up of a classic character type from days gone by.
CAH is a very good game that simulates 80's style cartoon adventures very well.
A very good and helpful supplement. The starship combat rules are grand!
Powered armor/sc fi style weapons and devices, it's all here. This is a great addition to ant savage worlds game that contains sci fi elements.
This is agreat toolkit. The alien/creature generation rules are straight forward and to the point. if you emjoy savage worlds and sci fi this is for you.
This is an interesting adaptation of the C&C game system. I plan on getting the full product asap.
This is a very good scanned version of the Call of Cthulhu rpg that was published in the early to mis 80s. I owned this edition and I am glad that Chaosium and DTrpg have teamed up to make it available in a pdf version.
The game is really a classic.
A vey good "Falkensteinish" work up of Victorian style Faeiries.
Dragon Warriors is a very good game that has finally made it to my collection from across the pond. Iwould have played this one back in the day if I knew that it existed then.
The Dragon Warriors Bestiary is a great product. The artwork found inside the manual is first class. I really like the DW system.
THe BASH! system is great for allowing quick on the fly games when prep time is a the minimum. Do not overlook this product. It works especially well for younger gamers.