The ACTION! system is easy to get used to. it is really nothing new or astounding but it gets the job done.
Starquest combines many sci fi elements inot one huge rule book. If you know d20 then you will pick up on the game's concepts with no problem.
You can't go wrong with Werewolf or any of the other White Wolf WoD games.
I prefer the Savage Worlds edition of this game. Overall the designers know the source material very well. I wonder why it took so long to see a prodcut like this available on the rpg market.
I love the Buget Battlefield stuff. You can't go wrong with armies that are colorfula nd readily avilable with just a click of the mouse.
Chill is a great game. I picked this up to get a glimpse at Mayfair's version of Pacesetter's original creation. In my view the system seems use the same concepts. I will be picking up the full download soon. A+
These are great! These are suitable for use while you prepare their 3D counterparts for battle. Heck, they are suitable to use even if you have an army already painted up.
A very good product for those of us who actually want to play a table top miniatures game and not spend years preparing metal and plastic painted armies.
A good prodcut that will come in useful for the various skirmish style fantasy games on the market. I am new to the carstock miniature market so i am still getting used o putting the stuff together. The instructions are clear and concise.
Very good download if you need a lot of skeletons in a short period of time. I like the classic look of the miniatures used for the skeleton pics.
TORG is one of my all time favorite rpgs. I finally got around to getting this "revised and expanded" version of the rules and I am pleased with them. The game mechanics are simple yet sophisticated enough to garner an rpg veteran's respect. The only thing I do not like about this download is the fact that the cover of the book is not included. I know this sounds odd but a book is just not a book without its cover:).
Two fisted tales is two fisted pulp action from the very beginning of the book. The designer of this product really knows the subject matter well enough to draw yo in from the beginning. The game engine is similar to the one used in an old game called Feng Shui. If you are familiar with that game then catching on to TFT will be a breeze. Those unfamiliar with that game system will be able to catch on quickly because the TFT game is laid out well and written in a smooth style.
S&W is a fantastic retro clone that is worth a way more than the DTrpg price tag:). The product recaptures the wonder of the original edition era from '74 - '79. I grew up with the AD&D material so it is nice to be able to get my hands on a glimpse of that game's beginnings. I will most likely get a print copy of this game. The producers of this prodcut really deserve the support.
This is a fine product that takes you back in time. If you would like to have a look into rpg history then this product is for you. Goblinoid games has really outdone themselves again.
Ironclaw is a game that has me wondering why I never bothered to pick it up at the local game store. The game system is simple but sophisticated. It uses a dice pool system similar to the one found in USAGI Yojimbo. The difference is that you use multiple dice results from your dice pool instead of useing just the highest result. I really enjoyed reading the book.