I found this product to be anything but fleshed out. Each mage has no stat block, list of spells, or anything other than the most bland of descritpions. Often you are told to go to another product to find out what you need to know. Volos Guide, Monster Manual, and even the free players download for Princes of the Apcolypse. This is, at best, a very broad stroke document and a DM has to spend more than a little time preparing any of these mages for use with the Dungeon of the Mad Mage.
As a DM this was a thoroughly disappointing product. The section on monsters as mages has the name of the monster, if they have a bonus or a subtraction for a stat, what type of caster they might be, a name of a mundane item, and something called "Written Word". I'm not sure what a "Written Material other than a spell book has as a purpose.
The Mages Petit section, which has a number of mages listed by name, a short description on why they might be in the dungeon, doesn't provide anything besides their class and race to assist the DM. No level is given for the caster, and in some cases, what part of the dungeon this caster might be found.
I found this to be a quite disappointing product.