So I used the Xanather's encounter generator last game session. I ended up with a hobgoblin, four bandits, four kobolds, two protodragons, and two elk. The hills map had a broken cart on it. My players were like "uh...what's going on with all these random monsters?" So, after beating the encounter, they captured a couple of the kobolds and a surviving bandit. The characters are currently on a quest that includes a dragon at the bottom of the dungeon and orcs overrunning an abandoned dwarven fortress.. I come up with the story that the protodragons were offspring of a dragon, and the bandits were paid to escort them along with a hoard of gold (in the cart, which broke) and elk pulling it. And the kobolds were meeting up with them to do a trade as they fled the area. This encounter chewed up about an hour of gameplay, and the players had no idea it had nothing to do with the campaign they are on. 5 out of 5 stars, will be using often.