Long time Living Dungeon Master and player, first time reviewer. True believer of DnD ;), arent we all.
A long long time ago.... A fellow living DM said something along the lines of: "When your Dm'ing an adventure, its not a book to be read word for word. As the DM you need to bring it life, make it better than you think it is. If the players were tested and you were true to the spirit of the game, they will walk away with stories to tell, bragging rights, and treasures earned. It is the journey that is important not the final product of just getting xp. As "The" Dm its your job to tell that tale, to challenge their wits, and test their mettle, if in the end, they somehow survive and walk away from that table they should know their characters were heroes for that short moment of time reborn through the trials and perils you put them through, if you can say that then you've done your job as "the Dm."
Why did I type that? As a long time DM. I don't like to review modules from a DM's point of view, its not fair to the module. I logged on and was very excited to buy this after having a great time Playing it. I am STILL looking forward to reading, and running it (with any luck I'll be better than the Dm that ran it for us ;), so I always hope). I was a little surprised at the review rating, and read the comments, both are well written reviews. Its a known point the system wotc is using isn't ...great...or..working....? With that said every DM is different, and prefers different things and is entitled to their own views. For Example: I personally believe Its bad form to say "x-negative" about a module while or before your running it (OR its even just as bad to say.. "when we played it, we did this here..."), its not about me the DM< (or how i adjusted this encounter for you) or how my characters did something, its about the people at your table and their characters. Prepare to give them an epic experience all the time.
the REviEw: As a player -which imo is the best way to ever review a module-
I played the FULL version of this with a full group of level 8-10 approapiate characters.
Trilogy: Im going to start here, 3 mods written by three different people released nearly the same time of different varying Apls. Sorry but, Bad Wotc Bad. As a long time player/Dm its super tempting to want to play a "trilogy" with the same character. Soo with ALL that knowledge, we did not play it as a trilogy. Does that affect the actual module itself, only if you thought wotc was geniuses..... This module rocked so much that I am dying to get to the other two in the trilogy and see if there is any connection at all :), and thats just fun for me personally at this point.
Flavor: Our Dm completely set the mood for the module itself and included a little bit of the history of undermountain itself, including a lead up to new book that was coming out "Dungeon of the Mad Mage". WOW, I was impressed. Kudo's! After that I was like, DAM! I am super keyed to Play, this adventure is going to Rock!! ( If this wasn't in the mod itself, learn from this). (It also made me want to buy the new book too, huh go figure)
Combat optional: Brutal !! (see above text about dming though), But->with the right party could be a cake walk. Sadly as a DM its one of the most undesirable advantageous monster choices, so even thoguh its good ..but can be bad...(bad) because its a DM challenge to balance this to acheive the above Epic feeling. Ours did good :) -Thank the maker-
Puzzles: Our Dm did a great job of choosing maybe Two of the Puzzle pieces that connected with the DM's style, and briefly described the other puzzle pieces overall reactions to Us and the first two pieces through some skill checks. Nice work on the Dm's part, and we were SO close before one of our party members decided to engage and trigger the puzzle trap. I LOVED this puzzle, I found it unquiely refreshing and ingenious, its so nice to see something just slightly different engough to be very cool.
Fillers: This was honestly another one of my favorite parts. It was so unorthodoxed to have things related to the undermountain that were just there. The best part , they didn't produce the traditional effect and response that I would normally expect. Normally I can determine things as a player and basically forsee or just know from experience that x+y=z, as a matter of fact I was expecting certain results so much that I personally made things very bad for our party. So again, wow and ty. (for those of you who remember, it reminded me of the mentality required to play the adventure "River of Blood" ..I was like woah back then too). The other players in the group were completely onboard with all of these rooms and made it EXTREMELY Fun.
Finale: Again, DM did a Super nice job setting up the description of the encounter, great job using everything available to the end BOSS. I really LOVED this IDEA and this concept for the bad guy, I am looking forward to running it. I will definitely need prepare in advance and brush up on some special tactical rules prior to running this due to certain special circumstances that are available during the final fight. From my knowledge , it seems this could be run a couple of different ways and I am looking at exploring some of them to see whats worthy enough to make the players feel challenged. (many end fights aren't challenging enough by design- as players hold all their bigger guns awaiting that moment). Our party was challenged, and had to come up with some killer ideas to hero up.
SIDE note: our DM ran this extremely similar to the optional 1 combat so that was a little frustrating (If this happened during a playtest would recommend changing the optional combat to a different style combat, the way its written i'd skip the optional unless you knew the party had resousces to deal with it effeienclty). That will make the END BOSS fight fresh and exciting.
I was going to give it 4 stars out of 5. But I realized I really had an Extremely Memorable and Fun time playing this and isn't that what its about.