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CCC-STORM-02 Swamp of Sorrow: Bloodpurge Village
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jeffery C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/08/2019 21:13:13

Great module for the DM that loves telling a story. Players have the option of blasting through it murder-hobo style, or they can dig into it and learn a very cool story line. I DM'd this for Gamestorm and also played in it. The combat is tough enough to make players sweat a bit, but not so overpowering that they will die in the first six seconds.

As a DM, I highly reccomend reading through it a couple of times to get the story down, so that you can really play up the roleplay options available to you. If you do that, your players will really enjoy the adventure and be talking about it for days to come.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-STORM-02 Swamp of Sorrow: Bloodpurge Village
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DDAL08-12 Xanathar's Wrath
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jeffery C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/24/2019 23:54:32

The best season 8 module that I have run yet (I've done all up to this). The adventure gives players a chance to go in combat heavy to solve the quest or by stealth or by social interactions or all three. The puzzles in the adventure are solvable by players without being too obvious or too difficult. There is plenty of combat to be had if your party likes that, and the combat requires some good combat tactics by the party as well, rather than just throwing down some dice. There is also a ton of lore and easter eggs to find in this adventure to make it really fun.

The only thing that hurts this module is the format of Season 8, which isn't a fault of just this adventure but all of season 8. It's a must run adventure, and one I will run again in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-12 Xanathar's Wrath
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DDAL08-11 Poisoned Words
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jeffery C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/18/2019 20:50:17

Another good adventure, but be careful as this one can run a bit long and be a bit tough for some adventurers. It was a blast to run as a DM, other than the season 8 format of the module.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-11 Poisoned Words
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DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jeffery C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/18/2019 20:49:00

Great adventure that allows players to use social skills and thinking instead of just combat to solve the quest. Only the format of Season 8 hurts this module.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-10 The Skull Square Murders
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DDAL08-09 Fangs and Frogs
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jeffery C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/04/2019 02:56:33

This adventure is great and terrible all at once, but I really enjoyed it overall. The main villain is probably one of the most fun that I've ever had, and gives players their likely first battle with a legendary creature. This is an adventure that is plagued by the terrible season 8 formatting, which really hurts it. However, it has some very fun encounters that aren't all combat.

To run this best, I recomend that you have the rooms mapped out first if you use maps and miniatures. It will save a lot of time. Second, read and re-read the adventure. There are a lot of parts where you will need to ad lib. A DM who is good at this will be able to make this an incredible adventure. DM's who prefer to not adlib much will probably hate this adventure.

A lot of negatives to this adventure, but the fun factor was huge and my players had a great time. The villain is a blast to play and gave the players a huge sense of accomplishment when they won. Buy it, read and reread it until you know it well, and give your players a heck of a good time.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-09 Fangs and Frogs
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DDAL08-07 Into the Dark
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jeffery C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/20/2019 23:13:00

This start to Tier 2 in season 8 is a step up (content/story) from the Tier 1 adventures. There is still an issue of how the adventure is formatted and arranged that I really dislike, but the story itself is good and between the traps and monsters, it makes the players learn cautiousness rather than running through the dungeon head first.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-07 Into the Dark
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DDAL08-06 Purging the Blood
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jeffery C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2018 23:59:24

Fun adventure with a lot of places for character to explore. The weakness continues to be how the adventure is written. You need plenty of time to prepare the adventure to run it well. Also, be prepared for your players to make some...creative decisions and force you to make up some content on the fly.

The older seasons format is much better than this season's.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-06 Purging the Blood
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DDAL08-04 A Wrinkle in the Weave
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jeffery C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2018 21:14:50

Decent story. I like the idea of it. This module suffers from the season 8 format: DMs have to create a lot of the story and dialogue and the organization is terrible. I would rate this as 4 stars but the organization is just bad. The story is fun, but if you aren't careful your players can get lost in what they are supposed to do. You have to be very clear with the objectives and help guide them along if they are going to complete it.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-04 A Wrinkle in the Weave
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DDAL08-05 Hero of the Troll Wars
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jeffery C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2018 20:40:02

Great adventure that has a combination of making the players think, finding a useful item, and letting the players fight. The problem, as usual this season, is that DMs need to have plenty of time to read and understand the module. It's not meant to run without pre-reading. The format also leaves a lot to desire. You do a lot of flipping back and forth. This takes it from being a perfect adventure 5 to being a great story that is hurt in how it is organized.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-05 Hero of the Troll Wars
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DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double Cross
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jeffery C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/04/2018 23:01:10

Another decent adventure that has some issues. The organization, again, is just terrible this season so far. Prepare for a lot of page flipping. This is also an adventure that you will want time to read ahead and prepare for to get the best result. It is unlike previous seasons in that it is a lot more flexible on what you can do, but there is a lot less instruction on what to do as well.

You are trading a ready to run adventure for an adventure with a lot of flexibility. DMs good at ad-libbing and preparation will love this adventure. DMs who depend on text boxes may struggle.

The story is enjoyable, but for best effect you ened to run 08-01, 08-02 first before this one. Also, be careful of the pistoleer. She can easily TPK a party not ready for her.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double Cross
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DDAL08-01 The Map with No Names
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jeffery C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/29/2018 00:15:29

Decent adventure, but the organization is terrible. You will have to do a lot of page flipping back and forth. You will need to prepare this adventure in advance rather than running it short notice. The story itself needs 08-02 and 08-03 to be run with it, or it is simply incomplete. It is not meant to be run as a one-shot or with a group that does not have consistent players in it.

The shame is that it could be a decent adventure if the organization was better and it had a great stopping point/one-shot ability. The module gives a lot of freedom to the DM to ad-lib, but it will be tough for DMs who are not good at coming up with NPCs words at will.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-01 The Map with No Names
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DDAL08-02 Beneath the City of the Dead
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jeffery C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/29/2018 00:04:21

This is a great adventure mixed in with terrible organization. The adventure itself is a lot of fun. It has relevant side quests that are decent, the map layout is great, and the enemies are very interesting. What holds this adventure back are that it really needs 08-01 and 08-03 to be run. As a stand alone adventure, it would need a lot of help. This is great if you have a group of the same people, but bad if you have people who drop in and out randomly.

The issue, as with 08-01, is the organization of the adventure is really, really bad. You have to flip back and forth repeatedly in the adventure. You also need to read through the module a couple of times to really give your players the best experience, as there is a lot of ad-libbing freedom to do. The map is not labled and should be. This is a shame. If the story had a better starting hook, organization, and way to end it without requiring you to run 08-03, it would be a very good adventure.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-02 Beneath the City of the Dead
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DDAL08-00 Once in Waterdeep
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jeffery C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/09/2018 19:57:45

One of the better AL adventures I have run. It has a nice mix between roleplaying and combat, every class that played at my table seemed to have something to do, and there were plenty of surprises and quirks to it that made it enjoyable to run as a DM and as a player. There are also short rests built in that are extremely useful to the party. The awards that the party can get are also a nice way to give them something very useful and valueable without making it a magic item (that they wouldn't immediately get in season 8 rules).

The introduction is a great way for the party to get to know eachother. Other players got a good gist of what other people were about with their character.

The one complaint that I have is that the adventure can easily be a total party wipe if the DM isn't careful. My group was faced off against a swashbuckler (AC 17, 66? hitpoints, 3 attacks) that would have wiped them out easily had I not made most of his attacks be pushes. The animated brooms can also easily be deadly if you are not careful.

The alchemist and mice were a blast to play as a DM.

I highly reccomend that DM's play this module before going further into season 8 modules or into the Dragon Heist hard cover.

Tips to DM:
The overall story of it can be difficult for some party members to figure out what exactly is happening. There is so much that happens that some players may get confused. Be mindful of that and give them plenty of summaries throughout the game of what they have learned and what has happened.

Have the brooms focus on patrons mostly if you can. I used the threat of NPC's falling into the hole and the brooms trying to sweep them into it as a major part of the battle. This will give the party some time to deal some damage on the brooms before getting slaughtered.

Be careful on the final battle. The bad guys can easily overwhelm a 1st level party. Come up with creative uses of their action besides just attack, attack, attack. Also don't be afraid to have the city watch try to show up and help or for the bad guy to try to run away (to give the party some free attacks).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-00 Once in Waterdeep
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