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DDAL08-06 Purging the Blood
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/03/2019 18:59:08

Not as bad as 8-04.

I'm not sure what the point of this was going to be: Is it help Artor stamp out Vampire nests, or is it Discover what the cult is doing to the Weave? The trilogy was suppose to be "find out about the weave", but this season seems to be leaning towards showdown with the Vampire (I would say we've already done that in Season 4, but we also did GDQ in seasons 3 5 and 6, including the same Hill Giant fight in SKT chapter 5 and TYP AtG G1a).

The vampire parts didn't make much sense, since nothing really happens, other than you meet Gost again for a cameo. The Weave cult didn't make much sense either, once the party touchs the tree for a fourth time (either voluntarily or non-voluntarily) the module just ends, and thankfully this trilogy with it.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-06 Purging the Blood
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DDAL08-05 Hero of the Troll Wars
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/03/2019 18:45:18

Unlike the previous mod, I'm going to be generous and give this a 3/5. (On a side note: the previous mod got it's only 5/5 based on the fact it was written by a female, that's not a good reason to 5/5 something, especially considering most people gave it 1/5). It was a lot better, but it was still missing a few things that could have made it better.

The Troll War story made sense, and it tied things together, and the results of the party action actually affected the outcome (unlike 8-04 & 8-06 in this trilogy, 8-05 has a conclusion!).

Bonus objectives, both really well done. Dryad fight kind of quick, post-offering "test" bit of a dick move by U (she's is an evil goddess, so fair game though).

Main objectives, both puzzles. Less points here, as they rely solely on player knowledge instead of character knowledge. Eladrin puzzle not bad, Gnome puzzle was stupid and annoying.

One note: if the group has no casters, 4 DC 18 Arcana checks are not going to go well for them.

Missing a huge plot point as to why a group sent back in 8-04 with a ring is wandering around a battlefield, at least in 8-06 they are told about the cloak. No mention is given about the spear.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-05 Hero of the Troll Wars
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DDAL08-04 A Wrinkle in the Weave
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/03/2019 18:25:31

This is a mess. If one of the goals in Season 8 is to open up more RP and be less railroad-y (aka the Monty Cargo campaign), then this certainly suceeding in derailing anything even resembling advancing a plot. I would provide specifics, but nothing happens in this mod: You travel back in time, "something" happens off screen between Part II and Part III, the End. Maybe that's too harse: you can actually do 1 thing, Bonus Objective A, discover evidence that "something" is about to happen.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-04 A Wrinkle in the Weave
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DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double Cross
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2018 21:24:59

I played this at a Con in the 2h version, then I just DMed the 4h version. The 4h version made more sense and the last fight was easier, a lot slower, but easier. Part I of this mod shouldn't even be here, it's the missing section they forgot to include in DDAL8-02. So we have people with a Map with No Names wandering around town trying to figure out details, which is exactly what they did in DDAL8-01 (in fact I used part of 8-03 during 8-01 to play the Map shop dialogue). There is no real connection given between the Redhaired lady and the Drow smugglers, so I just had to have here shoot a player in the face when he asked too many questions to advance the plot, unfortunatley I N20ed him for 6d10 damage. At least they had the 3 thugs from Plague Rats to help in the fight, and 10 city guards to be meat shields I guess??? Playing it we have 6 people, 2 of which were lv4 barbarians, so our group won the fight quickly, the other group would have been TPKed without the allies.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double Cross
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DDAL08-02 Beneath the City of the Dead
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2018 21:16:40

I played this as the 2h version at a con, then I DMed the 4h version and ironically it's shorter in the 4h version. The 2nd sidequest could have been written a little clearer as to which sister was afraid of rats (first reading seemed like the Star necklace was afraid of rats, when in fact it should have been specified the Moon necklace/quest-giver was the one afraid of ratts-which makes way more sense). The map/text could have been worded better at the 2 statues and door which is shut and the only way to open it is the item found in the room past the door? (why have a door there? it should be the secret door is found by the item, and there should be no door by the statues).

The most glaring issue, however, is the fact that the actual conclusion is not included in DDAL8-02, but is part I of DDAL8-03.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-02 Beneath the City of the Dead
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Encounters in Sharn
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/22/2018 05:52:16

Just picked it up on sale for Black Friday, then our DM cancelled at the last minute and I had to run a few of these on 0 prep off the pdf on my phone (which is not an ideal situation, as you can imagine). Despite the circumstances of having to pull this out on the fly, it went really well. These are solid adventures and the group had a lot of fun, and wants to incorporate the rest of them into the ELW sessions moving forward.

Specifically, The Callestan Clash started off well, but could have used more options besides fight/armwrestle (basically same thing: for Str fighters in group) and Liars (cha based skill check). Maybe add a drinking contest (Con checks) or Archery/target shooting (Dex based)?

As for the Double-Cross, it was a great RP hook, but once they realized what was going on I thought they'd be TPKed against a CR5 Master Thief if she connected with the 4d6 sneak attack vs a Lv1 character, but sadly fighting solo makes getting advantage on an attack rather difficult. They fought really well and pulled out a win vs a much too strong foe.

One issue: why are the encounters out of order? They're not in alphabetical order (King of Heap needs to be before Possession), which shouldn't be the way to organize it anyways. They are also not organized by APL either, which would be the better way to do it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Encounters in Sharn
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DDAL08-01 The Map with No Names
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/14/2018 21:17:54
This is one of the very rare modules I actually got to play before I DMed it, so I have a little different perspective than normal. I played the 2h version, then ran the "4h" version is less time. Many other reviews are correct in that there is very little detail in this. However, the previous module released DDAL8-00 had literally 0 material in it, so this is a vast improvement.

The main quest is in 4 parts: Part 1 sent to the hideout which also included the 1st side quest. The actual clue found here is the only real important one. The side quest can easily TPK a group with either the trap(s) or the mimic fight. The "oops" glyph drops people even if the save for 1/2, so that's just fighting dirty. Part 2 was a skill quest with no actual skill contest or DC for it, but it does provide a magic item that is both required to complete the module, and also not unlockible in the module. Why not sub a +1 dagger for the pointless Wand found elsewhere? Part 3 was really a waste of time, since the clue in part I is critical, the clue in part II is the only real hint you need, as this clue is redundant. Also unless they stop to Ritual cast a spell nothing happens here. If they do, they find themselves fighting an enemy they most of the party is useless against unless they eithe use cantrips or the daggers from Part II. The other side quest didn't make too much sense, and is basically tacked on from DDAL8-03. Part 4 either leads to a fight vs someone who not only can't be damage by part of the party, by also can remove the characters from AL (TP debt is not worth it for a T1 character).

Despite the flaws in this mod, it was still a very enjoyible module to both play and to run. I'm looking forward to running the rest of the trilogy over the next 2 weeks.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-01 The Map with No Names
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DDAL-ELW00 What's Past is Prologue
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/08/2018 05:55:05

Incredible prequel to the ELW storyline. Sets up some nice hooks, establishes characters, and sets the general tone and mood of the world. Normally I find plot heavy modules to be a bit too much Monty Cargo, but this one worked.

The only real issue is that lv 0 characters are very squishy, which is fine, but any hit either drops them, or nearly drops them. I can see why this is so, and it actually works for most of the module. However, on the gnome sidequest, throwing a CR 2 bandit captain with multi-attack and parry against a group of lv 0 is borderline TPK unless the gnome goes all Deus Ex with his firebolt cantrip.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL-ELW00 What's Past is Prologue
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DDAL08-00 Once in Waterdeep
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/09/2018 17:40:16

This has not been a good week for AL. The sweeping changes to AL rules have not been popular, the final version of rules came out late due to technical issues, and the introduction adventure was only half finished when it when out. Now that it has returned to dmsguild I had hoped they had fixed the problems. It appears they have not.

First, there is no villain, no main NPC, and no MacGuffin, but they is 3 pages of background information on irrelevant bar patrons included.

Second, back in Aug 10 it was reported that as a result of the EE starting the Red War against Thay, all factions must disband effective Aug 30. Anyone caught still operating underground as a rogue agent (via Safe Haven) will result in Szass Tam killing 3 people. DDAL8-00 has people openly operating as underground faction agents and actively recruiting players to do the same, including one of the new 3 factions that spoiler Dragon Heist has added. So the no faction thing lasted from Aug 30 until ddal8-00 on Tue Sep 4, then was really killed off Fri Sep 7 with DH.

Third, one of the three paths included is the Brute, where the party must prevent an apprentice mage (AC10 HP 9) from a trio of kenku assassins (+5 hit, 1d6+3). Looking at the mechanics of this for a moment: -assassins are rogues, so they get sneak attack for +2d6 on ranged attacks and finesse weapons when attacking with advantage or with an adjacent ally. -assassins also have advantage on attack vs targets that have no acted yet in combat -assassins also insta-crit on all hits during a surprise round so: 3 assassins attacking with +5 and advantage vs AC 10 will connect 96% of the time dealing a minimum of 9 damage (6d6+3) against a target with 9 life which is death from massive damage (18+) 99.9% of the time. Given there are 3 assassins, there is a 99.9936% chance of at least 1 of the 3 connecting, and a 99.895% of failure without any chance of death saves.

Fourth, in part III the sidekick, Malleus Grimehouse, is either carrying around, or hiding in his pocket, a concealed full size coffin. That’s just nonsense.

So in conclusion, this module needs major work to even attempt to run. It’s only half finished, and it was clearly rushed to meet the season 8 start date. AL should have held this back and let the WPN stores sell DH a week earlier as the season 8 IA, or did the Death House/Great Upheaval and gave stores chapter 1 of DH.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-00 Once in Waterdeep
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DDAL07-13 Old Bones and Older Tomes
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/29/2018 22:11:36

This was a mess.


Overview : Guy steals a "how to be a lich" book, you need to get it back-too late he's already a lich, run away.

Tower (cool demi-plane): Enterance: guess the password, then make a check to say it even if you guess it Floor 1: Search 3/4 things for the book titles, 4th is trapped. Odds of screwing players 87.5% Floor 2 & 3: not meant to be solved until floor 4, unless you go down to floor 4 first Floor 4: It's a bad sign when even the NPC points out the flaw in the module that both the category and script must be guessed with no clues whatsover. By pure chance they should get it by the 24th or 25th attempt. Floor 3: Immortal enemies, and NPCs that may not be completely useless while party is getting pummled by life draining undead, thankfully once NPC discover nonsensical "solution" (only about 1/2 of them are actually paired correctly) then fight not so bad. Floor 2: Math puzzle which inexplicably shifts and reverses half way though for no reason (162435 vs 342615)

Floor 5: Enivironmental effect which only matter until the NPC has 1 turn to dispell it.

Floor 6: Lich that gets a surprise round to kill the players as soon as the fight starts, then gets easily overwelmed if they focus fire on him (which or course they do).

[2 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL07-13 Old Bones and Older Tomes
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DDAL07-14 Fathomless Pits of Ill Intent
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/29/2018 21:48:49

Was a little hesitant upon preping this to run, as ddal7-13 was such a disappointment and it was very similar. However, this was so much better done. The traps were better, the puzzles were better, the fights were better, the lich was better. It was an improvement in every way.

Does seem to cause a lot of fall damage, compared to other threats in the mod.

It should really be listed as a 2h mod, since spoiler there's a 2h time limit from when the open the door to enter the dungeon until the ritual completes, so unless they group takes 120 minutes to play in the storm outside it's not a 4h mod. That being said, I love the faster pace and "race against the clock" feel to it.

The finale fight of this mod, and the T3 track, was a worthy masterpiece. Well done!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL07-14 Fathomless Pits of Ill Intent
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DDAL07-12 In Search of Secrets (5e)
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/23/2018 05:50:04

Normally I'm a hack and slash guy, so when I saw this only has 1 fight I was a little skeptical. It was a solid fight that kept the players on their toes more than I thought it would.

The traps I though were well done, but a T3 group that is smart can bypass them easily. Which I think is a good thing to reward players for playing well instead of TOA blatingly screwing players regardless of what they do.

I am a little curious if Kelvin is suppost to be Keraptis in another disguise (like in DDAL6-2 The Redemption of Kelvan). If so getting his own name wrong totally fits his character.

All in all one of the best 2h mods I've ran in a while.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL07-12 In Search of Secrets (5e)
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DDAL07-11 A Lesson in Love (5e)
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/16/2018 06:09:00

Wow, this really has a bit of everything in it. Good RP at the start, but some sloppy editting, like "advance to D" but it's actually it's labled #4-doesn't matter if you want to list things a, b, c, d or 1, 2, 3, 4: just pick one and stick to it!

The combat was really well done, some things hit really hard but can be beaten quite easily (the brain leeches did nothing, but I never connected with them), nice to see another good use of trash mobs. If curious what's up with those Merfolk Warlocks: they have 8 HD, but 4 spells slots, have 5th level fiend spells like flame strike (which isn't great underwater) but not fireball, 2 level 7 and a level 8 Arcanum but not a level 6 or 9, has Dark One's Luck, but not Dark One's Blessing, Fiend Resistance or Hurl through Hell-also why no Hex?

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL07-11 A Lesson in Love (5e)
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DDAL07-10 Fire, Ash, and Ruin (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/08/2018 21:12:21

I like trash mobs as much as the next DM, but this was overkill. The repeated darkness effect really eliminated one of the three Lts, since the party had been dealing with a) a shadow already, and b) fighting in the dark for the last 1 1/2 h at this point. The other 2 Lt were also a joke compared to the endless mobs of 30HP newts that only serve as resource siphons. Chucked one player of the bridge in the last fight, so that made me feel a little better, but with the triple-nerf and the ally dragon his days were numbered.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL07-10 Fire, Ash, and Ruin (5e)
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DDAL07-09 Unusual Opposition (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/02/2018 05:57:15

So I finally got around to running this (our ToA DM got sick and missed 2 months, so we had to finished ToA before the party could play this, since once you play this you cannot re-enter ToA).

Nice introduction to how T3 is going to look this season, a lot bigger fights, but nothing a well equipped party can’t handle.

First fight is nothing other than a HP tank (something the T4’s this season suffered from), and with a near total ranged attack party (6/7 were not melee based, 4 casters and 2 archers) was no challenge at all.

Little bit of RP, certain factions had their chance to shine. This is something I fear will be missed moving forward next season, but that’s a discussion for another venue.

That fight had the chance to go south quickly, but the initiative order was against me and the biggest threat got dropped before he was able to use his other ability in round 2 (his giant AoE was nice, if he was able to catch the target with the other thing it would have turned nasty).

More RP interlude to set up the finale, was pretty straight forward and effective. Now I liked the set-up for the finale, the minions in particular I had fun with, but it was a lot of Con checks on everyone every turn, so it did get a little repetitive. Boss didn’t last as long as I would have liked, but a charging Paladin with smites, followed by swarms of Magic Missile tend to drop anyone quickly (unless they had the Shield spell, which Paladins/Anti-Paladins sadly don’t).

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL07-09 Unusual Opposition (5e)
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