I'll be honest. The only reason I bought this was because of a party wipe on the Slitherswamp level to the spirit nagas and I needed an easy idea for an AL-legal adventure to help with them figuring out the more interesting situation of Alterdeep without possibly going completely off-book. I figured the agency and loose writing of a season 8 module would fit the bill. So, in that it was a success. Being able to pile on more weirdness helped.
The module, however, has many glaring issues. There are the QC issues (missing stat block, typographical errors, grammatical errors, lack of a printer-friendly version, and so on) that have been commented on at length by other reviewers. It's not a good sign when one of the first bits of information in the setting--the crystalline chimes, engraving, and door--seem to have no correlation with each other. The players need to use the gems in the doors to get around and all they have to do is to touch one. The chimes have no part in that, and the engraving would indicate that the notes are D, F, T(?), L(??), and S(???). Presumably it makes sense if you've read and ran the previous adventure and that is not what was actually intended, but there is literally nothing to build on so to do anything with it would be the hand-waviest of hand-waves and is better left out entirely.
It's unclear how players are supposed to get back from any one room to another; I assume the easiest way (and possible intent) is to run the door as a central hub leading to/from other areas with a portal on the other side. Empty rooms with obvious traps aren't very interesting even if you have players who are likely to trigger them because they can. The thralls are either going to wind up being a frustrating puzzle or a murder hobo killing spree unless the party came packing with enough dispel magics. Of course, that assumes you somehow get across to the players that the characters are enthralled without just coming out and telling them. Then, of course, there is the question of whether or not killing them all would count for "freeing them from enchantment." The explanations of who everyone is is buried in an appendix instead of being put in the main text and the puzzle "solution" is in yet another appendix.
The fight with the bone nagas would be improved by giving some idea what sort of nagas they were in life. I decided to go with one spirit and one guardian for variety, but again it seems like another case of purely lazy writing and lack of craft.
The maps are kind of fun and can scale up fairly easy with some screenshots and scaling. The side effect on the wand of lightning seems like it's a great opportunity for future role-playing that will probably be totally ignored in the majority of AL play.
Frankly, everyone involved in this module except for maybe cartography--designers, authors, and editorial for sure--should be embarrased that this module was released in the state it was. The only saving grace was that I didn't pay full-price for a rough draft.