Well thought out and well written. excellent chances for all three primary adventure styles. Easy to adapt to any campaign but works best with a Spelljammer focus right out of the box.
My thoughts on this product are overwealmingly positive. It was well laid out, the items were easy to understand, and they fit inside a Strixhaven or other high magic campaign with few adjustments. The only controversy of the layout would be including artifacts in the same list as typical C/UC/R/VR/L items when WotC seperates them out, but I was fine with it.
Most of the time when you buy lists of magic items for a campaign, you get an odd mismash of wish fulfilment by the designer, rather than items which fit inside the 5e setting- and this list is not like that at all. It is quite accurate at detailing power level on 90% of the items presented.
Minor quibble- there are several items which require attunement which should not (example, Shield of Patterns), and one that does not which should (Duelists Wand). Most of the time DMs will spot this and make the change on their own for their campaigns, so not a huge issue.
I would add (as other commenters have said) add a table of rarity. Because some DM's enjoy random tables, I would likely put one of those in as well as a DM tool.
Because Mimsy is an included NPC, I would likely add a series of small quests that could help reduce the price Mimsy would likely charge for items as Stryxhaven is not filled with coin as an adventure (even if they were just paragraph in length).
Well worth your time, and an enjoyable addition to any campaign.
There is a great deal to love about this book. It takes an inventive look at an organization that thousands of players have joined over the last few years and really fleshes it out. It follows a format which should be used for The Order of the Guantlet, The Lords Alliance, The Emerald Enclave, and the Harpers as well.
The Bay Area of Californa had hundreds of Zent players (who formed a local guild before AL decided to mess with the Faction rules...repeatedly) and this would have served as a nice, even if unofficial, guide for that group.
One thing to note for the FR cosmology: Bane has been demoted to a Lord (Demi-God)- so his grasp on the Zhents may not be what it once was. I would suggest that a god(dess) of commerce might pick up the slack...
A very interesting direction for the next season. It lets you be the creator and Dm of your own Archfey, and gives you plenty of creative opportunity to engage your players. Also includes an Epic. Well worth your time,
Well written, and laid out. A taunt spy-like thriller, with plenty of options to play it different ways, and a great choice of rewards. I rate this one quite high, and it is absolutely worth buying.
This mod is really great for world building, and it breathes life into each part of the area it touches. Very well done. As a heads up to DMs- it is critical you NOT see this mod as a Player Vs. the Monsters kind of mod, as there are several areas where if the players go charging in, they are going to get a beating. Making sure they understand that stealthy is better than stabby is critical.
I found that the challenge of the monsters you are supposed to fight was fair, and had risk = reward.
Well worth buying.
The story is familiar, but one villain stands out...and no it is not the terribly named Seabordt. It's Biscuits, the undead (depending on level) critter with a dead heart and wicked smile.
I highly recomend that you have Biscuits consume Seabordt, gain all of his hit points, powers and legendary actions, and become the villain this story calls for.
The magic item is once again suboptimal to a point of irrelevance. It's something you would not usually waste an attunement slot on, as it gives DC 15 powers at tier 3, and it's main use would be to perhaps get a lucky Fairie Fire off. It's got cool flavor, and it would be a great item for a tier 1 party.
This module is for competionists only.
I think it would be a mistake to judge this module by the combats- they are not challenging in the least, but not everyone has optimized characters. It would be an error to judge the module by the poor treasure- after all the item was designed by WOTC to be a very rare item that was one of the poorest choices on the list, and it was AL's call to switch to the TP system- the writer did the best they could and added some flavor. I think the layout of the module is suboptimal, but again, not the writers call.
The main problem I have with it is that the story offers nothing new to the players at any level of engagement. Which is fine if you have not read the hundreds of these mods which have been published in the past...but if you have, you can pretty much save your cash and run one of them.
Due to my generally poor attitude about season 8, I actually let these two mods slip by, without realizing they had been released.
Just goes to show you that you should never toss the baby out with the bathwater.
This mod is packed with interesting story points, characters and a challenging adventure. As I have said about the first one, it really reads like a great story with involved plots and subplots, allowing you to make it as deep as your players want to go.
The author has taken care to add extra touches to help make this mod, and it's twin something your players will remember as a series of great sessions of DnD.
Highest recomendation.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks once again for the praise and coming back to the adventure series and returning to review! These were the last of my adventures in the pre-S8 format, but I am working hard to bring the same sensibilities to the new format, while taking advantage of some of the flexibility that the S8 format offers for different gameplay pillars. |
I have been consistently impressed by this author, and by the adventures presented. The adventures take a wholistic view on the motivations of the principal NPCs making them potential allies or foes with real depth.
The setting is excellent, the rewards are top notch and each of them can be played in both an AL setting or as part of a home campaign.
I actually rate this adventure higher than others in the series, and the reason for that is the author did include much of what makes an adventure great- with interesting challenges, and the ability to replay it in different ways. However, the formatting for season 8 ultimately makes this a much harder adenture to read than it should be- it comes off like something I would make up on the fly. Which is fine, but I do expect more from a mod.
The magic item and flavor is excellent.
Not particularly awful, but it does fall into the bad category due to a disjoined storyline, and terrible application of season 8's formatting- which is not really the author's fault, as much as that decision rests elsewhere. It is far more difficult to get the pacing of this mod than it should be.
The story is average, and would be a fun mod to play if the formatting for season 8 was not so terrible. It basically takes twice as long to read this mod, and understand what is going on, than it should.
I enjoyed the layout and challenges. You have many ways to get what you need out of this adventure, and each party will see different pathways to success- you may fight a big boss, sneak it, or just blow stuff up (as examples).
Well thought out, and fun.
This adventure is well laid out, and it plays on the work already done in the Waterdeep book, continuing the adventure in Skullport. It, and it's companion adventures are much better laid out, and paced than previous entries, and 8-10/11/12 are a real return to excellent adventures for AL.