Fun little dungeon crawl, the first mod where my players got arrested
Many ways to play this module makes it throughly enjoyable. Love the flavor on the magic item.
Love this mod, best part of the trillogy. Enjoyable encouters
Great intro but horrible progression, bonus objectives don't fit in well
Very straight forward, neither bonus objective fits in well can get a good story without doing them
Fun dungeon crawl with very thematically changed enemies, very enjoyable
Easily done as a stand alone or as part of the trilogy, very enjoyable.
Good fun for all adventurers with a fun little tricks. Very enjoyable bonus missions.
Wonderful module with a really good story, very involving and interactive for the players but has a very brutal boss fight. Enjoyed being a dm for it very much.
Great story but easy for the party to skip parts and not experience the whole thing. Also one of the side quest does not fit in very well so it makes it difficult to get the party to do the whole module, but all in all well written with great combats and puzzles.
Great mod, with great rules for levle zero characters. I have players wanting to continue to play as the characts they played in this mod loving the back stories that were provided with the characters. My only complaint is that there are only 6 pregens instead of 7.
I have ran this adventure once and played in it twice and it is a very good adventure to teach new players how to play with. The design of the module really encourages role play and thinking outside of the box solutions. This leads to a better experience than earlier mods that only had one way to solve a problem. A great start to any Waterdeep campaign and a module that I will run again and again.
great story and it goes very well with the epic to put a great end to the season
very easy to go on past 8 hours but very enjoyable and tells a great story
great for teaching the game a little of everything is present