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I loved this product. It really captures the feel of the genre and incorporates things that were absolutely part of Old Tyme Radio. I especially loved the Sponsor, sound effect, and narrative voices elemente!
Character generation is straight-forward and easy, as is the central game mechaninc. I rated this 5 stars not because it is the best RPG I have ever played, but for what it ATTEMPTS to deliver, I feel is does it extremely well.
There are some great insights on session duration, how to design a radio show, etc., that really add a lot to the game. I bought the PDF and loved it so much I ended up buying a printed copy.
A few minor issues that could be fixed:
1) The title for Station Three (chapter 3) is "In Tonight's Adventure", but the Station Guide (table of contents) on page 4 lists it as "We're On The Air", which is actually the title for Station One.
2) The information on Fortes on page 21 appears to be in a smaller sized font than the remainder of the text in this section.
I have both played and run this adventure. This is a very fun and well-paced adventure that makes adding/omitting the bonus objectives very easy to do on the fly. The story award is very fun. There is the potential for some very fun role-playing in the first half of the module, with some great exploration opportunities in the middle of the adventure that are a lot of fun for players that enjoy "lore" in their games. The final combat is not extremely challenging, but the story narrative kind of makes a case for why it shouldn't be. Overall, a lot of fun and one I would not mind running again.
This is one of my favorite AL adventures to both run and play. I will attempt to keep this review as "spoiler-free" as possible:
The positives:
- Great incorporation of Forgotten Realms lore into the back story.
- Very desirable (and interesting!) story awards at the end, with plenty of roleplaying opportunity tied to them.
- Great NPC that is a ton of fun for the DM to run as well as for the players to interact with.
- Does a great job of intentional creating a sense of dread and forboding; a great example of how to work horror elements into a fantasy game.
- Art that actually enhanced the module by providing great visuals of important characters.
- Playable at tiers 2, 3, or 4 (in fact, it was the first tier 4 adventure available for Adventurers League).
- It works as a standalone adventure as well as part of a larger mini-campaign (see DDAL00-03 for part 2, with part 3 still to come).
My one issue with the adventure is that it tends to run long. It is intended to be a 4 hour adventure, but I have seen it run closer to 6 on several occassions. That could be a problem if you have a limited time slot, such as at a convention, but if you have the time to spare, this adventure is an enjoyable one to spend an extended amount of time exploring.
Finally, there are not many different types of monsters in the adventure; I mention this only for the sake of those DMs that like to play a large amount of varied creatures in their games. It does not, however, take away from the adventure at all.
Overall, this was a very fun and suspenseful romp through part of Forgotten Realms history! Having already played this and part two (DDAL00-03), I look forward with great anticipation to the trilogy's conclusion!
Full disclosure: I married one of the authors so, yeah, I have an inherant bias.
That being said, Encounters in Port Nyanzaru was one of the books I kept a printed copy of in my DM's bag in case we needed an extra DM on AL game day during season 7.
The "encounters" are more than just combats against monsters and include enough plot hooks, contacts, and interesting situations to easily tie them into other Tomb of Annhilation adventures set in the port city. Therse are 13 encounters and a 9 page appendix which contains all the creature stats needed for the mini-adventures contained within. For a home campaign, there's enough plot elements here to weave a fun city-based campaign in Port Nyanzaru out of them. As far as Port Nyanzaru flavor, there's dinosaurs, merchant princes, and plenty of other interesting characters. You can easily run 2-5 of these encounters during a single session. For Adventurer's League players, these adventures can be used with character levels 1-11 (covering tiers 1, 2, and part of 3), and can even be used a great "follow up" to Tomb of Annihilation for when the PCs return to the port (providing they are still within the level range).
Some of my favorites from this collection include: Rich Lescouflair's Crate Number Seven, Shawn Merwin's The Smell of Death (my favorite adventure in this book - every time I run something from here, I ALWAYS include Shawn's creepy-fun adventure), James Introcaso's Snuffed Out, and Cindy Moore's Undeserved Punishment.
I have played and ran these adventures.
These are five intro adventures for tier 2 set in Chult. They have a great connecting backstory and can pretty mcuh be played in any order. If you don't get to go through all five immediately, it's not a problem. In fact, if you only use 1 or 2 of them in a campaign, you really aren't losing anything from the story. they can make great last-minute fill-in adventires when needed.
Great use of the factions to connect the backstories here. Good treasure rewards, with items appropriate to the tier and length of the adventures. Some pretty fun role-playing based story awards as well.
My only two issues with the adventures are:
1) Duration - I don't think any of these can really be accomplished in an hour. 90 minutes would not be a problem fo reach, but 60 minutes is definately not realistic.
2) Maps - Although you can figure it out/wing it, it would be nice if the maps for adventures 1, 2, and 4 were labelled with the floors/rooms/titles from the appropriate adventure sections. This should be a standard rule of thumb for maps.
Overall, a lot of fun and a great tier 2 module to keep at the ready for filling in as GM on local game store AL days. The multiple adventures make it easy to cover anywhere from 90 minutes to 7 hours or so of gaming time.
A nice intro to Chult and the various faction leaders that reside there. Good role-playing opportunity with the faction leaders. My biggest issue is that the adventures tend to run long, or at least longer than the 60-70 minutes suggested for each adventure, so plan your time accordingly. Two adventures in a three hour slot should be doable if you keep things moving.
Without giving too much away, some of the McGuffins for the 5 adventures do have (somewhat) a specific order in which they need to be retrieved, which can be inconvenient if you wanted to use your party's factions to determine what mini-adventures to run. The full story of the McGuffins is also not resolved by the end of the 5 adventures.
I have both played and ran this adventure. It was a fun start to the main tier 2 story arc for season 7. It has a great balance of exploration, combat, and social encounters.
There are two great role-playing opportunities in this module and if you have the time to run long (more than 2 hours) players can have a lot of fun with them. If you don't, don't worry - it is still possible to run the mod at right around 2 hours with no loss of content. There are some...um..."obstacles"...that can be a little tedious for PCs. The final combat can be a bit challenging and is enough to keep players who enjoy that aspect a little on edge.
Overall, a very fun module for tier 2!
A very fun adventure. Fun NPCs, great final encounter, and several different options/paths for the middle of this adventure make it an easy to run adventure that is very replayable (with different PCs, of course)! The multiple options for the middle part of the adventure allow the adventure to be perfectly customized to the time slot available if running this at a game night or in a convention slot. This is an outstanding example of how to do a fun, combat-light module. Those that enjoy combat, however, have no need to worry - the middle part of the module allows combat, non-combat, or a mix of both to be selected, so you can easily fine-tune it to your table's preferred style of play.
Two hours for this adventure is definately not enough time. I did play it several times (with different characters) and ran it at least once as well. There are a few situations/traps in here that are particularly nasty and I got the impression some of them were there just to seriously mess up high-level characters whose players were pushing to try and get through this in a two-hour slot.
It is a sequal to the Against The Giants adveture in The Yawning Portal (although having gone through that adventure first is not a requirement) and a prequel to the AL Season 6 epic, DDEP06-03. If you do not have a chance to play DDEP06-03, there's a high likelihood of this module ending on a disappointing note, which is kind of a sad way to end a tier 4 module, especially if it's the one that gets you to level 20.
That all being said, it is an intersting romp through an old ruin and there are some potentialy cool Story Awards/Downtime Activities in here.
A very fun and relatively short adventure. Primarily role-playing with very little combat. Introduces some common magic items from XGE. Very holiday/seasonal themed. This could easily be run in a block longer than two hours, and I suggest it is done so; there is a lot of fun, non-combatty things to do!
Those That Came Before was originally DDAO-11, Alan Patrick's second Author Only AL adventure and the sequel to the very first DDAO module, DDAO-01, Window To The Past, now also available on DMsGuild.com as DDAL00-01. I had the opportunity to play this module with Alan GMing when it was DDAO-11, and have run it at tier 4 as DDAL00-03. I will attempt to keep this review as spoiler-free as possible, so it is safe for DMs as well as potential players! The adventure has information for running it at tier 3 or tier 4, so there is great reply opportunity for those looking to pick up adventures to keep "in the arsenal" for those weekends at the gaming store. The adventure is in three parts: part one is all roleplaying, part two is exploration (with some combat), and part three is the big finale with potential for roleplaying, combat, and a little bit of exploration. The adventure is thick with Forgotten Realms lore but player knowledge is not required for an enjoyable game. For those that enjoy the history, though, there's a bunch of it!
The adventure is intended to take 3 to 4.5 hours and I was easily able to run a party through it in four, but I would recommend taking more time if possible. The roleplaying sections and NPCs are a ton of fun to interact with. If you are limited on time, part 1 can be shortened considerably, with role-playing replaced by GM narration, as explained in the module.
This is a very fun module, both to play and to run. I'm looking forward to part three (DDAO-21, which Alan will be running at cons during 2018). The exploration section of part two keeps the adventure from feeling too railroady, and really has the feel of an old-school dungeon crawl. There are a few cool Story Awards characters can earn as well (why there are AL modules that DON'T include Story Awards, I'll never understand - they are great for potential roleplaying and as character development tools).
I strongly recommend reading the entire adventure through before running it. I know that sounds obvious, but the GM definaitely needs a full understanding of the several "core components" of the adventure to make it run smooth.
Nice extras: Three really nice pieces of art: one cover image, one monster, and one NPC, all of which made me, as well as my players, go "oooohhhh", so that's a plus. It's nice to be able to give these to the players for cool visuals. Great, memorable, NPCs that you actually want to spend time interacting with. Nice use of FR lore for those that enjoy that. Some great creepy moments that are well described, but not rated-R or traumatizing.
Minor issues: the main map (in color) is a little unclear: doors are not welll delineated, making each room appear as its own closed-off space. The description of room 9 does not specify how many creatures are in it. Room 14: "blue bool", while fun to say, has an incorrect letter. It would be nice to have a "Part X" at the start of each of the three sections, so you can quickly find your way when flipping through a copy of the adventure.
Overall impression: a lot of fun, both to play and GM. I debated between 4 and 5 stars on this, as I consider 5 starts to be really exceptional, but the personalities of the NPCs, the vivid item descriptions, and the overall fun had by all in spite of the rather minor issues I had with it were enough to make it a 5 for me. The fact that I do not want Alan's monsters to attack me from behind in the next adventure he runs me through did not have any influence on my rating for this adventure.
This is a collection of playing cards with different gaming situations on each card. The idea is to play these during the course of a game to introduce new and interesting plots and turns during the course of the game. <br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Absolutely fantastic. One of the RPG accessories in my collection I swear by and routinely promote to others. Events on the cards are applicable caross a wide range of ganres. In fact, I haven't come across a d20-based game system/genre where they didn't fit. The addition of the extra d20 feats for getting additional cards is a nice touch, but I don't care to use them.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: The addition of the extra d20 feats for getting additional cards is a nice touch, but I don't care to use them.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>