The majority of the problems I have with this module has to do with the new style of the AL mods, rather than the content, but enouh has been said about this topic, and I don't think WotC reads the reviews anyway. As such, I'll say that this is a decent outline for what can be a great adventure.
Why does Durnan need a reason to get the adventurers to go to the mine (blue lichen for ale)? Hasn't Artor Morlin aready told them their mission and to ask Durnan for help?
I do enjoy the openness of how to run it: theater of the mind or on maps, however there isn't enough detail to really tell when or where events happen. Durnan knows where the mine is. Limn knows where the mine is. Limn knows where the lichen is. That's basically the extent of the details given. There is a cave in that just happens, with no warning, and fail one check to clear rocks from a different cave-in causes another.
Also, Tev has a golem. There is a pile of bone shards where he animated the golem, meaning he did so in the mines. At minimum, it takes 30 days to create a golem. Are we to believe that he's spent 30 days in mines where a cave in occurred recently just to make a golem help him remove the rocks?
It does allow for some roleplay because combat isn't neccessary for most encounters, so that's nice.
This is a module that a DM really needs to spend time prepping.