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DDAL00-05 Winter's Splendor (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Red P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/14/2018 12:05:05

I highly recommend this adventure. Absolutely loved the story and I didn't have any problems with story flow/game mechanics.

My Background:
  • I am a relatively new player & DM who started playing AL at the tail end of Season 6 and started DMing at the start of Season 7.
  • I DM and play almost exclusively on Roll20/FG so most of my views are based on those experiences.
  • I stream the games on Twitch for the Extra Life charity (, so I spend a lot of time prepping my modules.
  • I use Discord to communicate via voice
What I liked:
  • So many fun NPCs that the DM can choose to flesh out and incorporate in future games/sessions/modules/adventures!
  • I loved the chance to interact with the Cassalanters in this setting so that players can get to know the family a bit and begin to develop their own ideas about them.
  • While there are puzzles which may stump players, there is guidance within the module to empower the DM to help them figure out the Why/How/Wheres of it all.
  • Even though I spent a lot of time roleplaying our group manage to run this within the specified time limit. Other DMs will easily be able to make this a shorter run.
  • The player rewards are very cool! I wish I would have gotten to play this with my main Season 8 character!
Things I'm not so sure about:
  • There are a few things where the module says something along the lines of, "Refer to Waterdeep: Dragon Heist for more info."
  • Why the "dousing touch" is bolded? I don't notice anything mentioned to explain it.
  • Could the Song the characters get be put under a Story Award instead of Magic Item? I think that might clarify some confusion people have
How I think the situations can be mitigated:
  • Regarding the module referencing WDH, I don't think it negatively impacts the gameplay too much but DMs might just need to stretch their own creativity.
  • I kind of just figured another entity like Orcus (not mentioned in the text, I made this bit up) is meddling.
Potential problems with mitigation actions:
  • It might require that the DM read this module ahead of time to help smooth out these bits in case players ask questions. Our friendly "Winger" DMs might not have that opportunity to figure out due to time constraints.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL00-05 Winter's Splendor (5e)
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CCC-AETHER-01-02 The Heir of Orcus: Verse II
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Red P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/10/2018 17:07:19

I highly recommend this adventure. It's a beautiful module, which throws adventurers into a battle of cosmic proportions and consequences.

I am a relatively new player & DM who started playing AL at the tail end of Season 6 and started DMing at the start of Season 7. I DM and play almost exclusively on Roll20/FG so most of my views are based on those experiences.

What I liked:

This story continues the theme of questioning the difference between good and evil. Though many players will go through the same main events, many will come out of it with different toughts. The adventurers thirsty for combat will not be disappointed as they face tough opponents and they will have the opportunity to use strategy to defeat some foes. This story has a lot of replayability because it has multiple avenues for player agency; I have been through the adventure several times and the adventure was not ever exactly the same The game took about as long as expected The rewards for playing this game were a fun little surprise. Finally my favorite part: This module was MADE to be played online! There were tons of extras provided upon purchase. These include art assets, fantasy ground module, tokens, maps, Handouts, etc.

I look forward to seeing future iterations of this series.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-AETHER-01-02 The Heir of Orcus: Verse II
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CCC-AETHER-01-01 The Heir of Orcus: Verse I
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Red P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/10/2018 17:04:51

I highly recommend this adventure. It’s a beautiful module throws adventurers into a battle of cosmic proportions and consequences.

I am a relatively new player & DM who started playing AL at the tail end of Season 6 and started DMing at the start of Season 7. I DM and play almost exclusively on Roll20/FG so most of my views are based on those experiences.

What I liked:

This story kicks off having the players of questioning the difference between good and evil. Though many players will go through the same main events, many will come out of it with different toughts. The adventurers have a lot of opportunity to role-play and interact with the different factions in the module. There is great flexibility granted to the DM and players and I love it. This story has a lot of replayability because it has multiple avenues for player agency. Of the several times I have been through the adventure and events were not the same twice. The game took about as long as expected The rewards for playing this game were a fun little surprise. This leads me to the art included in the module. Finally my favorite part: This module was MADE to be played online! There were tons of extras provided upon purchase. These include art assets, fantasy ground module, tokens, maps, Handouts, etc.

I look forward to seeing future iterations of this series.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-AETHER-01-01 The Heir of Orcus: Verse I
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DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double Cross
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Red P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2018 12:46:40

I recommend this adventure. As a player I think the combat can be challenging, but it leads to an interesting continuation of the trilogy. As a DM I think there are areas that need work.

My Background:
  • I am a relatively new player & DM who started playing AL at the tail end of Season 6 and started DMing at the start of Season 7.
  • I DM and play almost exclusively on Roll20/FG so most of my views are based on those experiences.
  • I stream the games on Twitch for charity, so I spend a lot of time prepping my modules.
What I liked:
  • The begining of the mod is fine you can pretty much jump into to adventure without having played the other modules
  • I enjoy the way the mod ends, it's very interesting and provides interest for future adventures with these characters.
  • There are a lot of scenarios that a DM can use in the gameplay.
What I did not like:
  • The extra scenarios didn't have a ton of guidance
  • One of the scenarios might have benefited with a little better description of the cobblers shop.
  • DMs might be tempted to run everything which can lead to going over time. It took me approximately 5hrs while skipping some stuff.
How I think the negatives can be mitigated:
  • DMs should try plan out ahead of time which of the scenarios they might run and have a rough outline on how to deal with them.
  • DMs need to keep an eye on the clock
Potential problems with mitigation actions:
  • The fixes might require slightly more prepwork by the DM

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double Cross
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DDAL08-02 Beneath the City of the Dead
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Red P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2018 17:14:01

I am moderately satisfied this adventure. As a player I think the combat can be challenging, but it leads to an interesting continuation of the trilogy. As a DM I think there are areas that need work.

My Background:
  • I am a relatively new player & DM who started playing AL at the tail end of Season 6 and started DMing at the start of Season 7.
  • I DM and play almost exclusively on Roll20/FG so most of my views are based on those experiences.
  • I stream the games on Twitch for charity, so I spend a lot of time prepping my modules.
What I liked:
  • I enjoy the way the mod begins. I'm actually using both of the recommendations they provide at the same time.
  • The story is actually pretty genius and I while I like how it ties into 08-01, but I think it's also a decent starting point on its own.
  • I enjoy the way the mod ends, it's very interesting and provides interest for the final module in the trilogy.
What I did not like:
  • The text sometimes gets the cardinal directions wrong.
  • As a person who purchased the mod I can confirm that there are few markings on the map.
  • There are some random markings that do not have an explanation.
  • One of the markings is not where the text describes it to be.
  • It will be very easy for the group to get themselves killed considering where they are, what creatures they will face, and how few opportunities there are for rest.
  • The amount of combat recommended may cause groups to run way over time.
How I think the negatives can be mitigated:
  • The lack of markings could be made better by having a DM version and a Player version of the map and indicated to the DM what markings mean. Barring that, DMs will need to read the Area Descriptions read carefully.
  • DMs will need to read carefully and deduce where the text actually wants players to go.
  • Writers should either describe what the squiggles are or remove them from the map. Barring that, DMs should ignore them.
  • Try to match the map to the text to avoid DM confusion.
  • DMs need to know be able to adjust the diffculty as more information about the groups capabilities emerges.
  • DMs need to keep an eye on the clock
Potential problems with mitigation actions:
  • Additional review of the material required by writers.
  • The fixes might require slightly more prepwork by the DM

[3 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-02 Beneath the City of the Dead
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DDAL08-01 The Map with No Names
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Red P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2018 16:44:05
  • I recommend buying and DMing this adventure. It requires additional creativity by the DM because there are no "Text Boxes" so be prepared to look it over and fill in the gaps by using your imagination.
My Background:
  • I am a relatively new player & DM who started playing AL at the tail end of Season 6 and started DMing at the start of Season 7.
  • I DM and play almost exclusively on Roll20/FG so most of my views are based on those experiences.
What I liked:
  • I like that it helped to introduce the characters a bit more to the various sections of Waterdeep even though the text expressly indicates that this isn't to give them a tour of the city.
  • The adventurers will get to do some exploration and go off the rails a little while still pointing them in the direction of the story.
  • This story has a lot of replayability because it has multiple events; one could alter these events to meet the needs of the group for which you are DMing.
  • I loved that they included options for "Playing the Pillars"... this is probably the best thing about this module
  • It was interesting seeing the players work to solve the problems without breaking the laws of Waterdeep.
What I did not like:
  • The game went over time and the players didn't get to work towards both of the bonus objectives. This might have been on me because I let the players hash our where they wanted to go and let them figure out puzzles on their own
  • I think the locations indicated in the text could benefit from a little more clarification as to where they are.
How I think the negatives can be mitigated:
  • The next time I DM this game I may try to use the NPCs to help them along.
  • DMs might want to just pick a place on the map where these locations are and run with it, just in case a player wants to know where on the map it is.
Potential problems with mitigation actions:
  • The players might feel a bit railroaded.
  • The fixes might require slightly more prepwork by the DM

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-01 The Map with No Names
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DDAL08-00 Once in Waterdeep
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Red P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/16/2018 06:17:55

I highly recommend this adventure. I think this is an AWESOME story, but it might be tough for a DM like me to get right the first time.

My Background:
  • I am a relatively new player & DM who started playing AL at the tail end of Season 6 and started DMing at the start of Season 7.
  • I DM and play almost exclusively on Roll20/FG so most of my views are based on those experiences.
What I liked:
  • This story serves its intended purpose wonderfully. It makes for an cool introduction to the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist adventure and leaves players wanting more.
  • The adventurers will have an opportunity to meet some major players in the hardcover and that provides them with major buy-in.
  • This story has a lot of replayability because it has multiple events; one could alter these events to meet the needs of the group for which you are DMing.
  • I loved that they included options for "Playing the Pillars"... this is probably the best thing about this module
  • The game did NOT go over time despite plenty of role-play. This was a very nice change.
  • Even players that don't normally like the roleplay aspect of D&D got into the act and had fun.
What I did not like:
  • I spend a lot of time setting up for games to have them run as smoothly as I can, but this was like setting up three modules.
  • I do not think some of the "setup" portions of this module work as well during online play. There is a section where the group determines some of the plot points, but it felt somewhat awkward for me.
  • The players started to get confused regarding the NPCs and forgetting who was who. This was probably on me because I used a doppleganger.
How I think the negatives can be mitigated:
  • As recommended in the module, you as the DM have the option to just plan all the plot points.
  • DMs might need to work harder to make the side NPCs more memorable since there's so much going on in this module.
Potential problems with mitigation actions:
  • The players might feel a bit railroaded.
  • The fixes might require even more prepwork by the DM

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-00 Once in Waterdeep
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DDIA-XGE Underworld Speculation
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Red P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/30/2018 08:25:12

Bottom Line Up Front: I'm glad I bought it and I look forward to how the events in this mod will impact future adventures.

I just DM'd this game last night for a group of 5 on Roll20 and we had a great time. I did not realize it was going to be 4 hours until after the game and check the Adventurers League Content Catalog, but that's pretty much the only ding against it I have. I love the common magical items and I love the story award. The premise of the adventure is TONS of fun and I was even able to think of a way to weave it into Bleeding Gate CCC's between 1-2 and 01-03. Overall I loved it as a DM, it was simple enough to execute and the restricted vision/communications between the group members helped to add tension. I took their advice and utilized thematic trinkets to help spur on their desire to explore as much as possible, even though that meant more encounters.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDIA-XGE Underworld Speculation
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CCC-BLD 1-1 Bleeding Gate: Pandemonium
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Red P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/16/2018 09:25:43

5/5 -- I will definitely DM this adventure again.


  • Easy to understand the story
  • Interesting premise during gameplay
  • Leaves you wanting more


  • Creepy cover art (in a good way) which made players curious about what was about to happen
  • Fun depictions of the main characters throughout the document. It was great getting to see how you envision them to look.
  • Nice little drawings of what the Encounters look like. It helped those of us who are visual people describe/understand what was happening


  • The recommended creatures can be quite powerful against a low level group
  • There's plenty of flexibility to make it fun (by making it harder|easier) for the group.


  • The story awards are quite interesting. I hope to see more of the Peacesmiths in other stories...if not through written material, than through DM generated flavor additive.


  • The supplemental material was excellent! I DM while online and I used the artwork provided in the supplemental to replace the artwork for creatures and characters on Roll20. I liked this, because it made the creatures feel much less generic. The game definitely benefited from the tenets provided by Ma'at.


  • I was pleasantly surprised to learn about the different types of relationships between some of the main characters.

Overall, I really enjoyed running this game. I look forward to seeing who else will pass the Peacestone's test!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-BLD 1-1 Bleeding Gate: Pandemonium
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Creator Reply:
Thank you so much, Red, for your kind words and helpful feedback! I look forward to seeing more of your Ancient Red Dragon Twitch real play videos. Ma'at
Ruins of Mezro
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Alpha P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/28/2017 20:12:05

I DM'd the 1-4 adventure for a group of 5 with an APL 3. I'm not sure that there was much substance to this adventure, but my players loved it. I specifically recruited folks who were trying to get to level T2 and it happened to be that some of them had strong magical items from other seasons. The initial patreon was a good draw into the adventure due to the money offered. They liked the week of encounters that I randomly rolled because of the EXP gain, but I don't really attribute that to the adventure since it's pulled directly from ToA Random encounter tables. After the party finally got to the the city they were very interested in what might lie in wait, unfortunately they didn't really get to walk around and explore. The loved the interaction of Kes and Yindala and they were happy to have Kes on their side due to her personality. The result of the adventure made them interested in the rest of the adventures and so for that I'll give this a 5/5.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ruins of Mezro
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Cellar of Death
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Alpha P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/15/2017 02:30:53

FANTASTIC value for the money. I just ran this mod for the first time and I was glad to have access to the .MOD file. The map included within that file worked great for me and my group.

The start was slightly slow due to the initial setup regarding Part 1, but it was a great thing to refer back to throughout the module. The party was definitely on edge heading into the tower of a lich and the opponents can be a bit tough for the recommended party. Thankfully, it wasn't a complete TPK and we only lost 1/5 party member due to what seemed like an overwhelming foe.

As a newer DM I was very happy you included multiple ways overcome some of the challenges within the module. It made it easier to help get the party moving and it gave everyone a chance to shine. I also appreciated that it didn't take a crazy amount of time to complete and that the players all got a worthwhile amount of XP.

5/5, would buy again.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cellar of Death
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